
Add keywords
queertopia/visualizing-identity: new blog post

Explaining how you might use radar-like charts to display gender
identity or sexual attraction, as an extension to fixed labels.
Display word count instead of reading time

Not everybody has the same reading speed, so we should not assume that
everybody reads 212 words per minute.
By displaying the word count, the reader can still calculate the reading
time themselves, if they know how many words they can read per minute.
Or simply use the word count as a measurement of document length.
Use alt text as image title, if no title was provided

This shows the alt text on hover, if the browser supports it.
And should also display it on long press on mobile.
Update about text
Show logo on about screen
Add customCss page property to load custom css files
Use my flowerpot logo
Fix formatting
Use RelPermalink where possible
projects/cora: new blog post

Somewhat a jump back in time, talking about a couple of things, that
lead to the creation of Cora.
Also contains a short introduction to the UI
Add music meta data to blog posts

Blog posts with a music meta tag, will show a recommended music player
widget at the top
Add simple audio player shortcode

The shortcode accepts four arguments: title, by, cover and link.

NOTE: the cover image will automatically be loaded from the cover url
publish medieval-tales color palette
publish antico color palette
Add shortcode to display color swatches
Fix light-theme code style & center figure text
Use InclusiveSans as the main font (OFL license)
Fix source code syntax highlighting
Fix html formatting & Add missing tags

Why were they missing in the first place? :shrug: