
e8ab4e3bc02ed148cb6753d241291479fa264541 — Jakob Meier 7 months ago 6adf707
Adjusted post metadata for hugo
M content/blog/coding/_index.md => content/blog/coding/_index.md +4 -4
@@ 1,7 1,7 @@
#+TITLE: Coding
#+DESCRIPTION: Are you up for a coding challenge? You can find some of my weird side projects here
#+SETUPFILE: ../../config.org
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil
title: Coding
description: Are you up for a coding challenge? You can find some of my weird side projects here

There is nothing I can say to explain this,
sometimes I just feel like writing some lines of code.

M content/blog/coding/functional_programming.org => content/blog/coding/functional_programming.org +4 -6
@@ 1,9 1,7 @@
#+TITLE: Let's check out functional programming
#+DESCRIPTION: (functional (programming))
#+KEYWORDS: functional-programming, lisp, math
#+SETUPFILE: ../../config.org
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil
#+DATE: <2023-02-16 Thu 17:00>
title: Let's check out functional programming
description: (functional (programming))

* What is functional programming
According to [[https://wikipediaorg/wiki/Functional_programming?lang=en][Wikipedia]],

D content/blog/coding/index.org => content/blog/coding/index.org +0 -25
@@ 1,25 0,0 @@
#+TITLE: Coding
#+DESCRIPTION: Are you up for a coding challenge? You can find some of my weird side projects here
#+SETUPFILE: ../../config.org
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil

There is nothing I can say to explain this,
sometimes I just feel like writing some lines of code.
But instead of throwing them away like a normal person,
I hold onto them.

And this is how they end up here.

Test projects I start, but never finish
or challenges I attempt,
that weren't as interesting as I hoped they would be,
or that just went nowhere.

#+begin_src elisp :exports results :results value list
(load-file "../../../el/get-posts.el")
(get-posts "../../feeds/coding")

- [[file:./../../feeds/coding/functional_programming.org][Let's check out functional programming]]
- [[file:./../../feeds/coding/nested_intervals.org][Let's check out nested intervals]]

M content/blog/coding/nested_intervals.org => content/blog/coding/nested_intervals.org +2 -6
@@ 1,9 1,5 @@
#+TITLE: Let's check out nested intervals
#+DESCRIPTION: [nested, [inter, val]]
#+KEYWORDS: nested-intervals, intervals, lisp, math, pi
#+SETUPFILE: ../../config.org
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil
#+DATE: <2023-05-21 Sun 12:00>
title: Let's check out nested intervals
description: [nested, [inter, val]]

* Nested Intervals

M content/blog/food/_index.md => content/blog/food/_index.md +4 -4
@@ 1,7 1,7 @@
#+TITLE: Food
#+DESCRIPTION: Mhhhh. Tasty.
#+SETUPFILE: ../../config.org
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil
title: Food
description: Mhhh. Tasty

Besides programming,
I enjoy cooking and baking.

D content/blog/food/index.org => content/blog/food/index.org +0 -21
@@ 1,21 0,0 @@
#+TITLE: Food
#+DESCRIPTION: Mhhhh. Tasty.
#+SETUPFILE: ../../config.org
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil

Besides programming,
I enjoy cooking and baking.

Here you can find some of my favorite recipes.

#+begin_src elisp :exports results :results value list
(load-file "../../../el/get-posts.el")
(get-posts "../../feeds/food")

- [[file:./../../feeds/food/vegetarian-fish-bagel.org][Vegetarian Fish Bagel]]

You can also follow this topic using it's specific rss feed,
using your favorite rss reader,
by copying [[./rss][this link]].

M content/blog/food/vegetarian-fish-bagel.org => content/blog/food/vegetarian-fish-bagel.org +0 -1
@@ 1,7 1,6 @@
#+TITLE: Vegetarian Fish Bagel
#+DESCRIPTION: A Bagel is perfect for breakfast or lunch
#+KEYWORDS: food, bagel, vegetarian, carrot, healthy
#+SETUPFILE: ../../config.org
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil
#+DATE: <2023-02-16 Thu 15:00>

M content/blog/handhelds/_index.md => content/blog/handhelds/_index.md +4 -4
@@ 1,7 1,7 @@
#+TITLE: Smartphone related posts
#+DESCRIPTION: Mostly me aranting about mobile phones
#+SETUPFILE: ../../config.org
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil
title: Smartphone related posts
description: Mostly me aranting about mobile phones

I guess either you love it or hate it - right?
the mobileOS *war*.

M content/blog/handhelds/formatting-an-ipod.org => content/blog/handhelds/formatting-an-ipod.org +0 -1
@@ 1,6 1,5 @@
#+TITLE: iPod USB Key and going back to normal
#+DESCRIPTION: Resetting the iPod Nano 7g back to stock firmware
#+SETUPFILE: ../../config.org
#+DATE: <2023-01-29 Sun 21:00>

*DISCLAIMER: I take no responsibility for any damage you cause to your devices*

D content/blog/handhelds/index.org => content/blog/handhelds/index.org +0 -38
@@ 1,38 0,0 @@
#+TITLE: Smartphone related posts
#+DESCRIPTION: Mostly me aranting about mobile phones
#+SETUPFILE: ../../config.org
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil

I guess either you love it or hate it - right?
the mobileOS =war=.

Honestly I'm not a fan of either iOS and android,
but android still has the advantage of installing ~.apk~ files
and doing ~chroot~ stuff.

And no I'm not saying that android is =the best operating system=,
acctually I think that the opposite is true:
In fact for years google has been locking down android phones.

I've been using rooted android phones for about 5 years now,
and bought a pinephone this year.

=You know that android uses a linux kernel!= - I hear you say.
And yes I know that,
but it is not a mainlined linux kernel,
with a lot of elements strip away from it,
and a lot of binary blobs.
Additionally most phones are stuck on ~4.*~ kernels

#+begin_src elisp :exports results :results value list
(load-file "../../../el/get-posts.el")
(get-posts "../../feeds/handhelds")

- [[file:./../../feeds/handhelds/formatting-an-ipod.org][iPod USB Key and going back to normal]]
- [[file:./../../feeds/handhelds/using-linux-mobile-for-1-month.org][Using Linux on my phone for 1 month]]

You can also follow this topic using it's specific rss feed,
using your favorite rss reader,
by copying [[./rss][this link]].

M content/blog/handhelds/using-linux-mobile-for-1-month.org => content/blog/handhelds/using-linux-mobile-for-1-month.org +0 -1
@@ 1,6 1,5 @@
#+TITLE: Using Linux on my phone for 1 month
#+DESCRIPTION: I've been using gnu/linux on my phone: Here is how it went
#+SETUPFILE: ../../config.org
#+DATE: <2022-11-16 Wed 14:00>

* My phone

D content/blog/index.org => content/blog/index.org +0 -30
@@ 1,30 0,0 @@
#+TITLE: Blog Posts
#+DESCRIPTION: Index page with all of my blog entries listed by category
#+SETUPFILE: ../config.org
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil

Whoooaa you have found my blog-post index.

See below for a list of all of the posts I posted.
You can click on the folder name
if you want to see a list of all posts in that category.
Or click on the given file name if you want to read the post.

#+begin_src elisp :exports results :results value list
(load-file "../../el/get-feeds.el")
(get-feeds "./")

- [[file:.//coding/index.org][Coding]]
- [[file:.//food/index.org][Food]]
- [[file:.//handhelds/index.org][Smartphone related posts]]
- [[file:.//projects/index.org][Projects]]
- [[file:.//queertopia/index.org][Welcome to Queertopia]]

If you'd rather read my posts using your favorite rss reader,
you can subscribe to the [[./rss][global rss feed]],
which contains all posts.
Or you could subscribe to the rss feeds of the individual topics,
the links can be found on the index page of the given category.

D content/blog/projects/index.org => content/blog/projects/index.org +0 -33
@@ 1,33 0,0 @@
#+TITLE: Projects
#+DESCRIPTION: A list of my featured personal projects
#+SETUPFILE: ../../config.org
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil

I enjoy building new software in rust
or writing weird JavaScript libraries.
But I also work on hardware prototypes,
i.e =floe=

This page only contains featured projects,
if you want to see a list of all my projects
you might want to checkout
my [[https://codeberg.org/comcloudway][codeberg]] where I publish all of my rust programs
(and some other stuff),
my [[https://gitlab.com/comcloudway/][gitlab]] where I'm not as active.

Additionally I also have a [[https://github.com/comcloudway/][github]] account,
but I only ever mirror repos over there
and occasionally use it to fork other repos.

#+begin_src elisp :exports results :results value list
(load-file "../../../el/get-posts.el")
(get-posts "../../feeds/projects")

- [[file:./../../feeds/projects/oomph.org][Oomph]]
- [[file:./../../feeds/projects/polarplayer-studio.org][PolarPlayer-Studio]]

You can also follow this topic using it's specific rss feed,
using your favorite rss reader,
by copying [[./rss][this link]].

M content/blog/projects/polarplayer-studio.org => content/blog/projects/polarplayer-studio.org +0 -1
@@ 1,6 1,5 @@
#+TITLE: PolarPlayer-Studio
#+DESCRIPTION: Introduction PolarPlayer-Studio
#+SETUPFILE: ../../config.org
#+DATE: <2023-01-30 13:00>

* Introduction

D content/config.org => content/config.org +0 -13
@@ 1,13 0,0 @@
#+options: html-link-use-abs-url:nil html-postamble:t html-preamble:t
#+options: html-scripts:t html-style:t html5-fancy:t tex:t
#+html_doctype: html5
#+html_container: div
#+html_content_class: content
#+html_head: <link rel="icon" href="/res/logo.png"/><link rel="stylesheet" href="/res/base.css"/>
#+AUTHOR: Jakob Meier
#+EMAIL: comcloudway@ccw.icu
#+CREATOR: All content is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 unless stated otherwise
#+html_link_home: /
#+html_link_up: ..
#+TITLE: This page doesn't yet have a title

D content/index.org => content/index.org +0 -62
@@ 1,62 0,0 @@
#+TITLE: ccw.icu
#+DESCRIPTION: My personal web page & blog
#+SETUPFILE: ./config.org
#+EXPORT_FILE_NAME: build/index
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil

* About me
I'm *Jakob*.
I love writing software using *rust*.
Did I mention, that I'm super into *Linux*?
— because *I am*.

I identify as trans/non-binary
and use =they/them= pronouns.

** What I'm up to
I'm currently studying =Computer science= at the
=Otto von Guericke Universität=.

If I get around to it,
I'll also put some of my favorite project on my [[file:feeds/projects/index.org][projects page]].
But you're probably better of just checking out my [[https://codeberg.org/comcloudway][codeberg account]].

Oh yeah I nearly forgot:
I started packaging some [[https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages?name=&branch=edge&repo=&arch=&maintainer=Jakob+Meier][alpine packages]].
If you noticed that some of them are outdated,
please contact me (the alpine website has a button).

* Categories
To reduce the distance you have to scroll,
I removed the /All posts/ list.

If you are looking for something specific,
just check the appropriate category.
And if you are just here to spend some time reading,
pick a category that seems interesting to you

#+begin_src elisp :exports results :results value list
(load-file "../el/get-feeds.el")
(get-feeds "./feeds")

- [[file:./feeds/coding/index.org][Coding]]
- [[file:./feeds/food/index.org][Food]]
- [[file:./feeds/handhelds/index.org][Smartphone related posts]]
- [[file:./feeds/projects/index.org][Projects]]
- [[file:./feeds/queertopia/index.org][Welcome to Queertopia]]

If you'd rather read my posts using your favorite rss reader,
you can subscribe to the [[./feeds/rss][global rss feed]],
which contains all posts.
Or you could subscribe to the rss feeds of the individual topics,
the links can be found on the index page of the given category.

* Social
I occasionally post over on my own Firefish instance,
follow me [[https://world.ccw.icu/@comcloudway][here]].
I'm also on [[https://pixelfed.social/comcloudway][Pixelfed]],
but I haven't posted anything in some time.

A content/sitemap.md => content/sitemap.md +3 -0
@@ 0,0 1,3 @@
type: sitemap

A data/vcs.yml => data/vcs.yml +10 -0
@@ 0,0 1,10 @@
- name: hut.ccw.icu
  link: https://hut.ccw.icu/~comcloudway/
- name: sr.ht
  link: https://sr.ht/~comcloudway/
- name: codeberg
  link: https://codeberg.org/comcloudway
- name: gitlab
  link: https://gitlab.com/comcloudway
- name: github
  link: https://github.com/comcloudway

M layouts/_default/single.html => layouts/_default/single.html +1 -9
@@ 1,16 1,8 @@
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    <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/logo.png">
    <meta property="og:image" content="https://ccw.icu/logo.png">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/base.css">
		{{ partial "header.html" }}
    {{ partial "nav.html" }}

M layouts/blog/list.html => layouts/blog/list.html +40 -36
@@ 1,38 1,42 @@
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
  <title>My blog posts</title>
	{{ partial "header.html" }}
{{ partial "nav.html" }}
	{{ .Content }}
	{{ if .Sections }}
  <h2>Find out more</h2>
  <p><a href="index.xml">RSS feed</a></p>
  {{ range .Sections }}
		  <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">
					{{ .LinkTitle }} ({{.Pages | len}} posts)
	<small>{{ .Description }}</small>
  {{ end }}
  {{ else }}
{{ range .Pages }}
  <div class="stub">
      <a href="{{.Permalink}}">
      {{.Date.Format "January 2, 2006"}}
      (est {{.ReadingTime}} min)
	{{ end }}
	{{ end }}
{{ partial "footer.html" }}
		<title>My blog posts</title>
		{{ partial "header.html" }}
	{{ partial "nav.html" }}
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		<h2>Find out more</h2>
		<p><a href="index.xml">RSS feed</a></p>
		{{ range .Sections }}
		<a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}" class="category">
				{{ .LinkTitle }}
			({{.Pages | len}} posts)
			<small>{{ .Description }}</small>
		{{ end }}
		{{ else }}
		{{ range .Pages }}
		<a href="{{.Permalink}}" class="stub">
				{{.Date.Format "January 2, 2006"}}
				({{.ReadingTime}} min)
			<p>{{ .Description }}</p>
		{{ end }}
		{{ end }}
	{{ partial "footer.html" }}

M layouts/blog/single.html => layouts/blog/single.html +15 -15
@@ 1,17 1,17 @@
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
	{{ partial "header.html" }}
{{ partial "nav.html" }}
      {{.Date.Format "January 2, 2006"}}
{{ partial "footer.html" }}
		{{ partial "header.html" }}
	{{ partial "nav.html" }}
			{{.Date.Format "January 2, 2006"}}
	{{ partial "footer.html" }}

M layouts/index.html => layouts/index.html +4 -11
@@ 1,22 1,15 @@
<!doctype html>
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A layouts/sitemap/single.html => layouts/sitemap/single.html +22 -0
@@ 0,0 1,22 @@
<!doctype html>
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{{ partial "nav.html" }}
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      {{ if ne .Type "sitemap" "blog" }}
        <a href="{{.Permalink}}">
      {{ end }}
      {{ end }}
{{ partial "footer.html" }}