
927f1284851f9365c5ce53ef1d985800d2b9542a — Jakob Meier 11 months ago a4dbfd3
Added rss feed links
M src/feeds/food/index.org => src/feeds/food/index.org +4 -0
@@ 15,3 15,7 @@ Here you can find some of my favorite recipes.

- [[file:./../../feeds/food/vegetarian-fish-bagel.org][Vegetarian Fish Bagel]]

You can also follow this topic using it's specific rss feed,
using your favorite rss reader,
by copying [[./rss][this link]].

M src/feeds/handhelds/index.org => src/feeds/handhelds/index.org +4 -0
@@ 32,3 32,7 @@ Additionally most phones are stuck on ~4.*~ kernels
- [[file:./../../feeds/handhelds/formatting-an-ipod.org][iPod USB Key and going back to normal]]
- [[file:./../../feeds/handhelds/using-linux-mobile-for-1-month.org][Using Linux on my phone for 1 month]]

You can also follow this topic using it's specific rss feed,
using your favorite rss reader,
by copying [[./rss][this link]].

M src/feeds/index.org => src/feeds/index.org +8 -0
@@ 17,6 17,14 @@ Or click on the given file name if you want to read the post.

- [[file:.//coding/index.org][Coding]]
- [[file:.//food/index.org][Food]]
- [[file:.//handhelds/index.org][Smartphone related posts]]
- [[file:.//projects/index.org][Projects]]
- [[file:.//queertopia/index.org][Welcome to Queertopia]]

If you'd rather read my posts using your favorite rss reader,
you can subscribe to the [[./rss][global rss feed]],
which contains all posts.
Or you could subscribe to the rss feeds of the individual topics,
the links can be found on the index page of the given category.

M src/feeds/projects/index.org => src/feeds/projects/index.org +5 -1
@@ 4,7 4,7 @@
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil

I enjoy building new software in rust
or writing weird javascript libraries.
or writing weird JavaScript libraries.
But I also work on hardware prototypes,
i.e =floe=

@@ 27,3 27,7 @@ and occasionally use it to fork other repos.
- [[file:./../../feeds/projects/oomph.org][Oomph]]
- [[file:./../../feeds/projects/polarplayer-studio.org][PolarPlayer-Studio]]

You can also follow this topic using it's specific rss feed,
using your favorite rss reader,
by copying [[./rss][this link]].

M src/index.org => src/index.org +8 -12
@@ 28,7 28,6 @@ If you noticed that some of them are outdated,
please contact me (the alpine website has a button).

* Categories

To reduce the distance you have to scroll,
I removed the /All posts/ list.

@@ 50,17 49,14 @@ pick a category that seems interesting to you
- [[file:./feeds/projects/index.org][Projects]]
- [[file:./feeds/queertopia/index.org][Welcome to Queertopia]]

If you'd rather read my posts using your favorite rss reader,
you can subscribe to the [[./feeds/rss][global rss feed]],
which contains all posts.
Or you could subscribe to the rss feeds of the individual topics,
the links can be found on the index page of the given category.

* Social
I occasionally post over on [[https://fosstodon.org/@comcloudway][Mastodon]],
I occasionally post over on my own Firefish instance,
follow me [[https://world.ccw.icu/@comcloudway][here]].
I'm also on [[https://pixelfed.social/comcloudway][Pixelfed]],
but I haven't posted anything in some time.

Also I'm hosting my own =single-user= [[https://akkoma.dev/][Akkoma]] instance.
Follow me [[https://social.ccw.icu/comcloudway][here]].

The following link points to my Mastodon profile as well,
it is used by Mastodon to validate my profile
(=I didn't even have to pay 8USD=)
#+begin_export html
<a rel="me" href="https://fosstodon.org/@comcloudway">Mastodon</a>