
66108d32bc4fbe7f19eb8cb45c51a337a0b3a4aa — Jakob Meier 1 year, 4 months ago 48db2f0
Removed date, so it won't be shown on the index.html
8 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

R src/feeds/coding/{functional-programming.org => functional_programming.org}
M src/feeds/coding/index.org
M src/feeds/coding/nested_intervals.org
M src/feeds/food/index.org
M src/feeds/handhelds/index.org
M src/feeds/index.org
M src/feeds/projects/index.org
M src/index.org
R src/feeds/coding/functional-programming.org => src/feeds/coding/functional_programming.org +0 -0
M src/feeds/coding/index.org => src/feeds/coding/index.org +1 -2
@@ 2,7 2,6 @@
#+DESCRIPTION: Are you up for a coding challenge? You can find some of my weird side projects here
#+SETUPFILE: ../../config.org
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil
#+DATE:<2023-01-29 Sun 16:20>

There is nothing I can say to explain this,
sometimes I just feel like writing some lines of code.

@@ 22,5 21,5 @@ or that just went nowhere.

- [[file:./../../feeds/coding/functional-programming.org][Let's check out functional programming]]
- [[file:./../../feeds/coding/functional_programming.org][Let's check out functional programming]]
- [[file:./../../feeds/coding/nested_intervals.org][Let's check out nested intervals]]

M src/feeds/coding/nested_intervals.org => src/feeds/coding/nested_intervals.org +9 -6
@@ 45,7 45,8 @@ cosine is a monotonically non-increasing function.

    (setq offset (+ offset step-width))

Notice that I chose a ~step-width~ of ~0.2~,

@@ 95,7 96,9 @@ and we can use it to calculate the value of \(\pi\).
  (setq val (cos mid))
   ((> val 0) (list mid mid end))
   (t (list mid start mid))))
   (t (list mid start mid))

@@ 152,24 155,24 @@ so I know that we have to run it /28/ times for the first 8 decimal places to be
Before we finish todays article,
let's talk about speed:
As you can see from my example above,
it took me /28/ cycles to achive an accuracy of eight decimal places.
it took me /28/ cycles to achieve an accuracy of eight decimal places.

This might seem like a lot at first,
but the other option would have been to iterate through every single x value,
and there are an infinite amount of them \([0,{\pi \over 2}] \in \mathbb R\).
For example if we had chosen a step-width of ~0.00000001~,
which would have been neccesarry to calculate the first eight decimal places,
which would have been necessary to calculate the first eight decimal places,
this would have taken us about 157 million iterations.

The reason why works so much better is
that we essentially make the interval half as small in every iteration,
resulting in logarithmical cost development.
resulting in logarithmic cost development.

** Conclusion
Nested intervals are an easy way to quickly approximate numbers,
without complex calculations.

For example, wikipedia alsa has an example of approximating \(\sqrt{19}\).
For example, Wikipedia also has an example of approximating \(\sqrt{19}\).
However you should keep in mind, that you are approximating the value
and thus results may vary.

M src/feeds/food/index.org => src/feeds/food/index.org +0 -1
@@ 2,7 2,6 @@
#+DESCRIPTION: Mhhhh. Tasty.
#+SETUPFILE: ../../config.org
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil
#+DATE:<2023-01-29 Sun 16:20>

Besides programming,
I enjoy cooking and baking.

M src/feeds/handhelds/index.org => src/feeds/handhelds/index.org +0 -2
@@ 2,8 2,6 @@
#+DESCRIPTION: Mostly me aranting about mobile phones
#+SETUPFILE: ../../config.org
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil
#+DATE:<2022-06-17 Fri 20:10>

I guess either you love it or hate it - right?
the mobileOS =war=.

M src/feeds/index.org => src/feeds/index.org +0 -1
@@ 2,7 2,6 @@
#+DESCRIPTION: Index page with all of my blog entries listed by category
#+SETUPFILE: ../config.org
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil
#+DATE:<2022-06-17 Fri 13:30>

Whoooaa you have found my blog-post index.

M src/feeds/projects/index.org => src/feeds/projects/index.org +0 -1
@@ 2,7 2,6 @@
#+DESCRIPTION: A list of my featured personal projects
#+SETUPFILE: ../../config.org
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil
#+DATE:<2022-06-17 Fri 13:30>

I enjoy building new software in rust
or writing weird javascript libraries.

M src/index.org => src/index.org +8 -8
@@ 1,9 1,8 @@
#+TITLE: ccw.icu
#+DESCRIPTION: My personal webpage & blog
#+DESCRIPTION: My personal web page & blog
#+SETUPFILE: ./config.org
#+EXPORT_FILE_NAME: build/index
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil
#+DATE:<2022-06-17 Fri 13:30>

* About me

@@ 20,7 19,7 @@ I'm currently studying =Computer science= at the
=Otto von Guericke Universität=.

If I get around to it,
I'll also put some of my favourite project on my [[file:feeds/projects/index.org][projects page]].
I'll also put some of my favorite project on my [[file:feeds/projects/index.org][projects page]].
But you're probably better of just checking out my [[https://codeberg.org/comcloudway][codeberg account]].

Oh yeah I nearly forgot:

@@ 36,7 35,7 @@ I removed the /All posts/ list.
If you are looking for something specific,
just check the appropriate category.
And if you are just here to spend some time reading,
pick a category that seems interestign to you
pick a category that seems interesting to you

#+begin_src elisp :exports results :results value list

@@ 45,10 44,11 @@ pick a category that seems interestign to you

- [[file:../src/feeds/coding/index.org][Coding]]
- [[file:../src/feeds/handhelds/index.org][Smartphone related posts]]
- [[file:../src/feeds/projects/index.org][Projects]]
- [[file:../src/feeds/queertopia/index.org][Welcome to Queertopia]]
- [[file:./feeds/coding/index.org][Coding]]
- [[file:./feeds/food/index.org][Food]]
- [[file:./feeds/handhelds/index.org][Smartphone related posts]]
- [[file:./feeds/projects/index.org][Projects]]
- [[file:./feeds/queertopia/index.org][Welcome to Queertopia]]

* Social
I occasionally post over on [[https://fosstodon.org/@comcloudway][Mastodon]],