
25c4b7a7796ad6663981ddb3a82c19b9e4e41be9 — Jakob Meier 1 year, 4 months ago 526dd4e
Started working on an article about functional programming

currently delayed by problems with syntax highlighting,
when using emacs --batch
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A src/feeds/coding/functional-programming.org
A src/feeds/coding/functional-programming.org => src/feeds/coding/functional-programming.org +322 -0
@@ 0,0 1,322 @@
#+TITLE: Let's check out functional programming
#+DESCRIPTION: (functional (programming))
#+KEYWORDS: functional-programming, lisp, math
#+SETUPFILE: ../../config.org
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil
#+DATE: <2023-02-16 Thu 17:00>

* What is functional programming
According to [[https://wikipediaorg/wiki/Functional_programming?lang=en][Wikipedia]],
functional programming is defined as
It is a declarative programming paradigm
in which function definitions are trees of expressions
that map values to other values,
rather than a sequence of imperative statements
which update the running state of the program.

This essentially means,
that there are no variables with a state,
rather, you pass through values as function arguments
and changing them can only be accomplished by running a function,
and using its return value.

Lisp in itself has a lot of functional components,
which is why we'll be using it in the following chapters,
in which we'll try to build a basic math library.

* Rules
First of all, let's assume we have access to the following three functions,
and three logic operators: (~not~, ~and~, ~or~)
#+NAME: Successor & Predecessor
#+CAPTION: Successor & Predecessor
#+begin_src elisp :exports both :results none
(defun suc (x) (+ x 1))
(defun pred (x) (- x 1))
(defun is-zero (x) (= x 0))

These three operations allow us
to implement most of the basic algebra operations.
Before we take a look at them, though,
let's write a function that allows us to compare to numbers.

* Basic logic functions
#+NAME: Comparisons
#+CAPTION: Comparisons
#+begin_src elisp :exports both :results none
(defun same (x y)
  (if (is-zero x) (is-zero y)
    (same (pred x) (pred y))))

The three operations also allow us to define both ~odd~ and ~even~
without the need for the ~modulo~ operator.
#+NAME: Even & Odd
#+CAPTION: Even & Odd
#+begin_src elisp :exports both :results scalar
(defun odd (x)
  (if (is-zero x) nil
    (even (pred x))))
(defun even (x)
  (if (is-zero x) t
    (odd (pred x))))

(mapcar '(lambda (x)
           (if (even x)
        '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
#+RESULTS: Even & Odd
: ("Odd" "Even" "Odd" "Even" "Odd" "Even")

* Basic Arithmetic

We are able to define an ~add~ function,
which is able to add two natural numbers.
Notice how we are using the ~same~ function which we defined earlier.
#+NAME: Addition
#+CAPTION: Addition
#+begin_src elisp :exports both
(defun suc (x) (+ x 1))
(defun add3 (x y z)
  (if (same y z) x
    (add3 (suc x) y (suc z))))
(defun add (x y)
  (add3 x y 0))

(print (add 3 5))
#+RESULTS: Addition
: 8

Similarly to how we defined addition,
we can define subtraction.
But instead of using the /z/ variable to count up,
we use it to count down.
That way we do not need the ~same~ function.
#+NAME: Subtraction
#+CAPTION: Subtraction
#+begin_src elisp :exports both
(defun sub3 (x y z)
  (if (is-zero z) x
    (sub3 (pred x) y (pred z))))
(defun sub (x y)
  (sub3 x y y))

(print (sub 3 5))
#+RESULTS: Subtraction
: -2

Because we are counting down towards zero,
we do no longer need the ~sub3~ helper function.
#+NAME: Subtraction 2
#+begin_src elisp :exports both
(defun sub2 (x y)
  (if (is-zero y) x
    (sub2 (pred x) (pred y))))

(print (sub2 3 5))
#+RESULTS: Subtraction 2
: -2

The same principle applies to the Addition as well
#+NAME: Addition 2
#+begin_src elisp :exports both
(defun add2 (x y)
  (if (is-zero y) x
    (add2 (suc x) (pred y))))
(print (add2 3 5))
#+RESULTS: Addition 2
: 8

As you probably know,
multiplying two numbers (~x * y~) is the same as adding /x/,
to itself /y/ times.
We can do the same thing with recursion.
#+NAME: Multiplication
#+CAPTION: Multiplication
#+begin_src elisp :exports both
(defun mult (x y)
  (if (is-zero y) 0
  (add2 x (mult x (pred y)))))

(print (mult 2 5))
#+RESULTS: Multiplication
: 10

By using the ~mult~ function, we just created,
we can now define ~pow~.
#+NAME: Power
#+CAPTION: Power
#+begin_src elisp :exports both
(defun pow (x y)
  (if (is-zero y) 1
    (mult x (pow x (pred y)))))

(pow 2 3)
#+RESULTS: Power
: 8

* Division

That's the easy functions done.
Division is a little bit harder,
because we do not want to use floating point numbers.
Luckily, we can define our division to be of the format:
x = q * y + r
Where q is the factor (sometimes known as ~//~)
and r is the remainder (also known as ~mod~ or ~%~).

Unfortunately, this requires us to have access to
a /less-than/ or /greater-than/ comparator.
By definition, we aren't allowed to use them, though,
which means that we have to build them ourselves.

** Advanced Comparators

We can achieve this by subtracting /y/ from /x/
and increasing the value until we reach /x/.
That way we know if it less,
by checking if we go past /0/ whilst incrementing.
#+NAME: Less
#+begin_src elisp :exports both
(defun less2 (x z)
   ((is-zero z) t)
   ((same x z) nil)
   (t (less2 x (suc z))
(defun less (x y)
  (if (same x y) nil
    (less2 x (- x y))))

(print (if (less 8 5)
         "More or equal"))
: More or equal

Using ~less~ we are able to construct a basic ~more~ function.
We do not even need a ~not~ operator,
because we can simply swap the /x/ and /y/ values.
#+NAME: More
#+begin_src elisp :exports both
(defun more (x y)
  (less y x))

(print (if (more 8 5)
         "Less or equal"))
: More

** Divide it!
Now that we are able to compare two values properly,
we can finally implement the division.
#+NAME: Division
#+CAPTION: Division
#+begin_src elisp :exports both
(defun ddiv (x y)
  (if (less x y) 0
    (suc (ddiv (sub x y) y))))
(print (ddiv 7 3))
#+RESULTS: Division
: 2

By using the same method,
but returning the remainder instead of the factor /q/,
we can define the ~mod~ function
#+NAME: Remainder
#+begin_src elisp :exports both
(defun rrem (x y)
  (if (less x y) x
    (rrem (sub x y) y)))
(print (rrem 7 3))
#+RESULTS: Remainder
: 1

Using all of these functions, we build so far,
we can calculate the fibonacci numbers:
#+NAME: Fib
#+CAPTION: Fibonacci
#+begin_src elisp :exports both
(defun fib (n)
   ((same n 0) 1)
   ((same n 1) 1)
   (t (add (fib (pred n)) (fib (pred (pred n)))))))

(print (fib 4))
: 5

Now that we are able to divide two natural numbers,
we can do some more advanced calculations.
This also allows us to speed up two of the functions,
we wrote previously.

Let's begin with the multiplication
#+NAME: Multiplication (efficient)
#+begin_src elisp :exports both
(defun mult2 (x y)
   ((is-zero y) 0)
   ((even y)
    (mult2 (add x x) (ddiv y 2)))
   (t (add x (mult2 x (pred y))))))
(mult2 2 3)
#+RESULTS: Multiplication (efficient)
: 6

We can also do better than our current ~pow~ function.
#+NAME: Power (efficient)
#+begin_src elisp :exports both
(defun pow2 (x y)
   ((is-zero y) 1)
   ((even y)
    (pow (mult2 x x) (ddiv y 2)))
   (t (mult2 x (pow x (pred y))))))

(pow2 2 6)
#+RESULTS: Power (efficient)
: 64

* Closing thoughts
That's as far as I'm willing to take this for now.

Keep in mind that this only works with natural numbers,
so no negative numbers allowed.

You might be wondering: =Why functional programming=,
and that is a reasonable question,
as there doesn't appear to be a use beyond basic mathematics.

I've heard a lot of people say,
that using functional programming languages,
expands your way of thinking about problems
and thus improves problem-solving skills.
I guess it is your task to judge that.

functionally programming languages,
like [[https://elixir-lang.org/][elixir]] or [[https://www.haskell.org/][Haskell]] are still being used nowadays,
for example, a fairly popular [[https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/][ActivityPub]] server
called [[https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma][pleroma]] is written in elixir.