
68ee4c6b3240ab8cf89f4c9af206424e1da4e672 — Jakob Meier 9 months ago 45befa0
Updated README
1 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M README.md => README.md +73 -0
@@ 3,3 3,76 @@ INTRODUCING SLAY\
*It's like UNO but gay* 🏳️‍🌈

SLAY is an [UNO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uno_(card_game)) inspired game.
Well it is literally UNO, but we got queer cards
with real flags - not like [this](https://shop.mattel.com/products/uno-play-with-pride-card-game-gth19)

## Rules
As mentioned above SLAY essentially uses the same rules as UNO,
so you can check the [UNO Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uno_(card_game)) for a detailed explaination.

You are obviously very welcome to alter the game using house rules,
for example instead of saying `Uno` why not say `GAY` or actually come out to your friends when placing the wild card?

Either way blahaj was kind of bored and wanted to show of some of the cards,
so here we go:
### Number Cards
These are the beautiful number cards.
Even though only one kind of flag is shown here, 
your deck will contain 4 times as many - which means you deck is 4 times as queer *nice*.

Even better: You'll get one set of these per chosen flag \*exited shark noises\*

![SLAY number cards](example/numbers.png)

Treat these cards a positive cards,
y'all are encouraged to say something nice to each other when playing these.
### Skip, Reverse and Take 2
Unfortunately, not everything is positive in life.

\*Grabs a tissue and blows - wait a second how does blahaj use a tissue underwater\*

Nevermind where was I these 3 cards are negative cards,
the `Stay in the closet` card means the player has to skip this round,
whilst the `Back in the closet` card reverse the game direction.
You probably won't be surprised to hear that `+2` means you have to take 2 cards - I can't help it sowy

![SLAY action card1](example/actions.png)
### Wild Card & Take 4
Last but not least our *special cards* \*performs fancy dance motion\*

The `Coming Out` card (or wild card) allows you to choose any identity displayed on the card,
as the new active color/flag.

I couldn't get rid of all the negativity, even though I tried reawly hawd \*puppy eyes\*.
So you'll be stuck with the `+4 HATE` card. 
Keep in mind whilst you have to take four cards,
there might be more positive cards in there.

![SLAY special cards](example/special.png)

Stay positive and enjoy.

Your Editor,

## Custom hands
This repo only contains the raw card components.
To generate a real set of playing cards, you'll have to get out your linux skills
(might be easier when wearing programming socks).

First of all, get your hands on `imagemagick` and `inkscape`.
On Alpine Linux you could run `apk add inkscape imagemagick` to install them.

Afterwards you can use `./gendeck.sh` to generate your deck of choice.

For example to generate a deck containing the trans, nonbinary, aromantic and asexual flags use the following command
./gendeck.sh trans nb ace aro

To get a list of available flags, run `gendeck` without arguments: