
c1bed7a3364c72d4223a0cf0a22905bd7b300e31 — Jakob Meier 6 months ago b48cb55
basic playlist playback mode
M melon/browse/playlist.py => melon/browse/playlist.py +9 -3
@@ 31,6 31,15 @@ class BrowsePlaylistScreen(Adw.NavigationPage):

    def display_info(self, texture):
        self.external_btn = IconButton("","modem-symbolic")
        self.external_btn.connect("clicked", self.on_open_in_browser)
        self.startplay_btn = IconButton("","media-playback-start-symbolic", tooltip=_("Start playing"))
            GLib.Variant("as", [self.playlist.server, self.playlist.id]))

        # base layout
        self.box = Adw.PreferencesPage()
        self.about = Adw.PreferencesGroup()

@@ 102,9 111,6 @@ class BrowsePlaylistScreen(Adw.NavigationPage):

        self.header_bar = Adw.HeaderBar()
        self.external_btn = IconButton("","modem-symbolic")
        self.external_btn.connect("clicked", self.on_open_in_browser)

        self.toolbar_view = Adw.ToolbarView()

M melon/models/__init__.py => melon/models/__init__.py +10 -0
@@ 747,6 747,16 @@ def set_video_playback_position(vid: Video, position: float, duration: float):

def set_video_playback_position_force(server_id: str, video_id:str, position: float, duration: float):
    uts = datetime.now().timestamp()
    conn = connect_to_db()
    execute_sql(conn, """
    VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)
    """, (uts, server_id, video_id, duration, position))

def get_last_playback() -> (tuple[Video, float, float] | None):
    conn = connect_to_db()
    results = conn.execute("""

M melon/player/__init__.py => melon/player/__init__.py +90 -27
@@ 15,22 15,19 @@ from melon.widgets.feeditem import AdaptiveFeedItem
from melon.widgets.preferencerow import PreferenceRow, PreferenceType, Preference
from melon.widgets.iconbutton import IconButton
from melon.models import get_app_settings, add_to_history, register_callback
from melon.models import get_video_playback_position, set_video_playback_position
from melon.models import get_video_playback_position, set_video_playback_position, set_video_playback_position_force
from melon.utils import pass_me

class PlayerScreen(Adw.NavigationPage):
    def on_open_in_browser(self, arg):

    quality_select = None
    def display_info(self):
        # video details
        self.about = Adw.PreferencesGroup()
        if not self.quality_select is None:

        # expandable description field
        desc_field = Adw.ExpanderRow()

@@ 54,34 51,60 @@ class PlayerScreen(Adw.NavigationPage):

    def display_player(self):
        player = VideoPlayer(self.streams)
        self.position = 0
        self.duration = 0
        self.player = VideoPlayer(self.streams)
        pos = get_video_playback_position(self.video.server, self.video.id)
        if not pos is None:
            self.position = pos
        # do not autoplay
        # TODO: stop + kill player on hide

    # TODO: connect this to navpage close
    def on_close(self):

    def disconnect_player(self):
        if not self.player is None:

    def on_player_end(self):
        if self.position is None or self.duration is None:
            # we only want to save valid datasets
        set_video_playback_position(self.video, self.position, self.duration)
    def on_player_data(self, position, duration):
        if position is None or duration is None:
            # we only want to save valid datasets
        set_video_playback_position(self.video, position, duration)
        if self.position is None or self.duration is None:
            # comparisons wouldn't be possible
        if int(self.position) != int(position) or int(self.duration) != int(duration):
            # only commit data if the second changed
            set_video_playback_position(self.video, position, duration)
        self.position = position
        self.duration = duration

    channel = None
    def display_channel(self):
        if not self.channel is None:
        return False

    def display_error(self):
        text = Gtk.Label()
        text.set_label(_("Video could not be loaded"))
        cb = Gtk.CenterBox()
        status = Adw.StatusPage()
        status.set_title(_("*crickets chirping*"))
        subs = get_subscribed_channels()
        status.set_description(_("Video could not be loaded"))
        return False

    def background(self, video_id):

@@ 106,19 129,18 @@ class PlayerScreen(Adw.NavigationPage):
    def __init__(self, server_id, video_id, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.video_id = video_id
        # get instance handle
        server = get_servers_list()[server_id]
        self.instance = get_server_instance(server)
        self.external_btn = None
        self.channel = None
        self.player = None

        # skip init
        if server_id is None or video_id is None:

        # show fallback title

        self.header_bar = Adw.HeaderBar()
        self.external_btn = IconButton("","modem-symbolic")
        self.external_btn.connect("clicked", self.on_open_in_browser)

        self.toolbar_view = Adw.ToolbarView()

@@ 127,6 149,49 @@ class PlayerScreen(Adw.NavigationPage):

        self.scrollview = Gtk.ScrolledWindow()

        self.init_video(server_id, video_id)

    def init_video(self, server_id, video_id):
        # reset these for now
        self.position = None
        self.duration = None

        self.video_id = video_id
        # get instance handle
        server = get_servers_list()[server_id]
        self.instance = get_server_instance(server)

        # show fallback title
        # in case init_video is called twice,
        # this resets the title

        # reset playback position if video was nearly completely watched
        pos = get_video_playback_position(server_id, video_id)
        dur = get_video_playback_position(server_id, video_id)
        if not pos is None and not dur is None:
            # TODO consider moving this to the settings panel
            consider_done = 0.99*dur
            # video was probably watched till end
            # reset playback position
            if pos >= consider_done:
                # we can use force here, because if pos and dur aren't None
                # set_video_playback_position was called before so the video exists
                set_video_playback_position_force(server_id, video_id, 0, dur)

        self.video_id = video_id
        # get instance handle
        server = get_servers_list()[server_id]
        self.instance = get_server_instance(server)

        if not self.external_btn is None:
        self.external_btn = IconButton("","modem-symbolic")
        self.external_btn.connect("clicked", self.on_open_in_browser)

        # show spinner
        # will be cleared by display_info
        spinner = Gtk.Spinner()

@@ 136,8 201,6 @@ class PlayerScreen(Adw.NavigationPage):


        self.box = Gtk.Box(orientation = Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
        # add a padding to the box
        # so the preference groups do not touch the edge on mobile

A melon/player/playlist.py => melon/player/playlist.py +144 -0
@@ 0,0 1,144 @@
import gi
gi.require_version("WebKit", "6.0")
gi.require_version('Gtk', '4.0')
gi.require_version('Adw', '1')
from gi.repository import Gtk, Adw, WebKit, GLib
from unidecode import unidecode
from gettext import gettext as _
import threading

from melon.servers.utils import get_server_instance, get_servers_list
from melon.servers import SearchMode
from melon.widgets.feeditem import AdaptiveFeedItem
from melon.widgets.preferencerow import PreferenceRow, PreferenceType, Preference
from melon.widgets.iconbutton import IconButton
from melon.models import get_app_settings, add_to_history, register_callback
from melon.models import get_video_playback_position, set_video_playback_position, set_video_playback_position_force
from melon.utils import pass_me

from melon.models import get_local_playlist, PlaylistWrapper, PlaylistWrapperType

from melon.player import PlayerScreen

class PlaylistPlayerScreen(PlayerScreen):
    playlist = None
    playlist_index = 0
    playlist_instance = None
    playlist_content = []

    def __init__(self, ref: (tuple[str, str] | int), index=0, *args, **kwargs):
        # make sure to initalize widget
        # PlayerScreen.__init__ will break after initializing parents
        # because neither server or video are supplied
        super().__init__(None, None)

        self.playlist_index = index
        self.playlist = None
        self.video_duration = None
        self.video_position = None
        self.playlist_instance = None

        # prepare base layout
        self.header_bar = Adw.HeaderBar()
        # show spinner
        self.toolbar_view = Adw.ToolbarView()

        self.wrapper = Adw.Clamp()

        self.scrollview = Gtk.ScrolledWindow()
        # show spinner
        # will be overwritten by init_load_video
        spinner = Gtk.Spinner()
        spinner.set_size_request(50, 50)
        cb = Gtk.CenterBox()

        # start prepare_playlist thread
        self.visible = True
        self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.prepare_playlist_task, args=[ref])
        self.thread.daemon = True

    # fetch playlist data & store it interally
    def prepare_playlist_task(self, ref: (tuple[str, str] | int)):
        if isinstance(ref, int):
            playlist_id = ref
            # local playlist
            pl = get_local_playlist(playlist_id)
            self.playlist = PlaylistWrapper.from_local(pl)
            self.playlist_content = pl.content
        elif isinstance(ref, tuple):
            server_id = ref[0]
            playlist_id = ref[1]
            # external playlist
            server = get_servers_list()[server_id]
            self.playlist_instance = get_server_instance(server)
            pl = self.playlist_instance.get_playlist_info(playlist_id)
            self.playlist = PlaylistWrapper.from_external(pl)
            cont = self.playlist_instance.get_playlist_content(playlist_id)
            self.playlist_content = cont
            # shouldn't be reachable
            # if properly used
            # (see argument type bounds)

        # show empty playlist screen if there are no videos
        if not self.playlist_content:

        # show playlist error screen if something didn't quite work out
        if self.playlist_index > len(self.playlist_content):

    def prepare(self, index):
        dt = self.playlist_content[index]
        server_id = dt.server
        video_id = dt.id

        GLib.idle_add(self.init_video, server_id, video_id)

    def on_player_end(self):
        # if there are more videos in the playlist
        # load the next one
        # do nothing if there are no more videos
        if self.playlist_index+1 < len(self.playlist_content):
            self.playlist_index += 1

    def empty_playlist(self):
        # display playlist is empty banner
        # acts as a drop in replacement for the player screen
        status = Adw.StatusPage()
        status.set_title(_("*crickets chirping*"))
        subs = get_subscribed_channels()
        status.set_description(_("This playlist is empty"))

    def playlist_error(self):
        status = Adw.StatusPage()
        status.set_title(_("*crickets chirping*"))
        subs = get_subscribed_channels()
        status.set_description(_("There was an error loading the playlist"))

    def display_player(self):
        # the super method pauses video by default
        # however in playlist mode it makes sense to always autoplay
        # TODO: consider not autoplaying the first title?

M melon/playlist/__init__.py => melon/playlist/__init__.py +7 -1
@@ 2,7 2,7 @@ import sys
import gi
gi.require_version('Gtk', '4.0')
gi.require_version('Adw', '1')
from gi.repository import Gtk, Adw
from gi.repository import Gtk, Adw, GLib
from unidecode import unidecode
from gettext import gettext as _

@@ 39,6 39,12 @@ class LocalPlaylistScreen(Adw.NavigationPage):
        edit_button = IconButton(_("Edit"), "document-edit-symbolic")
        edit_button.connect("clicked", lambda _: self.open_edit())

        self.startplay_btn = IconButton("","media-playback-start-symbolic", tooltip=_("Start playing"))
            GLib.Variant("u", self.playlist.id))

        if len(playlist.content) == 0:
            status = Adw.StatusPage()
            status.set_title(_("*crickets chirping*"))

M melon/widgets/player.py => melon/widgets/player.py +7 -0
@@ 24,6 24,7 @@ class VideoPlayer(Gtk.Overlay):
        self.duration = None
        self.paused = True

        overlay = Gtk.Overlay()

@@ 129,6 130,8 @@ class VideoPlayer(Gtk.Overlay):

    def connect_update(self, callback=None):
        self.update_callback = callback
    def connect_ended(self, callback=None):
        self.ended_callback = callback

    def _show_controls(self):

@@ 184,6 187,10 @@ class VideoPlayer(Gtk.Overlay):
    def _loop(self):
        dur = self.source.query_duration(Gst.Format.TIME)
        pos = self.source.query_position(Gst.Format.TIME)
        # compare the nanoseconds values before converting them to seconds
        # so we don't have to deal with float arithmetics
        if pos[0] and dur[0] and pos[1] == dur[1] and not self.ended_callback is None:
        if dur[0]:
            # convert nanoseconds to senconds
            dur = dur[1]/(10**9)

M melon/window.py => melon/window.py +11 -0
@@ 15,6 15,7 @@ from melon.servers.utils import get_servers_list, get_server_instance
from melon.settings import SettingsScreen
from melon.importer import ImporterScreen
from melon.player import PlayerScreen
from melon.player.playlist import PlaylistPlayerScreen
from melon.widgets.simpledialog import SimpleDialog
from melon.playlist import LocalPlaylistScreen
from melon.playlist.pick import PlaylistPickerDialog

@@ 66,6 67,13 @@ class MainWindow(Adw.ApplicationWindow):
    def open_local_playlist_viewer(self, action, prefs):

    def open_playlistplayer_local(self, action, prefs):
    def open_playlistplayer_external(self, action, prefs):
        server_id = prefs[0]
        playlist_id = prefs[1]
        self.view.push(PlaylistPlayerScreen((server_id, playlist_id)))

    # Opens the about app screen
    def open_about(self,action,prefs):
        dialog = Adw.AboutWindow()

@@ 128,6 136,9 @@ class MainWindow(Adw.ApplicationWindow):
        self.reg_action("add_to_playlist", self.open_playlist_picker, "as")
        # same as new_playlist but with [server_id, video_id] to identify a video
        self.reg_action("add_to_new_playlist", self.open_playlist_creator, "as")
        # playlist player
        self.reg_action("playlistplayer-local", self.open_playlistplayer_local, "u")
        self.reg_action("playlistplayer-external", self.open_playlistplayer_external, "as")

    def reg_action(self, name, func, variant=None, target=None):
        vtype = None

M po/POTFILES.in => po/POTFILES.in +2 -0
@@ 5,6 5,7 @@ melon/browse/channel.py

@@ 12,6 13,7 @@ melon/home/subs.py

M po/de.po => po/de.po +106 -66
@@ 7,7 7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Melon 0.1.2\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-14 20:08+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-15 08:56+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-01 11:23+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous <noreply@weblate.org>\n"
"Language-Team: German <https://translate.codeberg.org/projects/melon/melon-"

@@ 80,9 80,11 @@ msgstr ""

#: ../melon/browse/__init__.py:18 ../melon/browse/search.py:58
#: ../melon/browse/server.py:101 ../melon/browse/server.py:127
#: ../melon/home/history.py:23 ../melon/home/new.py:28
#: ../melon/home/history.py:23 ../melon/home/new.py:29
#: ../melon/home/playlists.py:21 ../melon/home/subs.py:20
#: ../melon/importer.py:61 ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:44
#: ../melon/importer.py:61 ../melon/player/__init__.py:101
#: ../melon/player/playlist.py:125 ../melon/player/playlist.py:133
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:50
msgid "*crickets chirping*"
msgstr "*Grillen zirpen*"

@@ 132,15 134,19 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Channel"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/browse/playlist.py:47 ../melon/player/__init__.py:45
#: ../melon/browse/playlist.py:37 ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:42
msgid "Start playing"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/browse/playlist.py:56 ../melon/player/__init__.py:44
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "Merken"

#: ../melon/browse/playlist.py:48
#: ../melon/browse/playlist.py:57
msgid "Add Playlist to your local playlist collection"
msgstr "Wiedergabeliste zur lokalen Sammlung hinzufügen"

#: ../melon/browse/playlist.py:102
#: ../melon/browse/playlist.py:111
msgid "Playlist"
msgstr ""

@@ 198,14 204,31 @@ msgstr "Versuche nach einem anderen Begriff zu suchen"
msgid "This feed is empty"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/history.py:24
msgid "You haven't watched any videos yet"
msgstr "Du hast noch keine Videos geschaut"
#: ../melon/home/__init__.py:18
msgid "Home"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/history.py:26 ../melon/home/new.py:35 ../melon/home/subs.py:23
#: ../melon/home/__init__.py:39 ../melon/home/history.py:26
#: ../melon/home/new.py:36 ../melon/home/subs.py:23
msgid "Browse Servers"
msgstr "Dienste durchsuchen"

#: ../melon/home/__init__.py:46
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/__init__.py:47
msgid "Import Data"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/__init__.py:48
msgid "About Melon"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/history.py:24
msgid "You haven't watched any videos yet"
msgstr "Du hast noch keine Videos geschaut"

#: ../melon/home/history.py:36 ../melon/home/history.py:117
msgid "History"
msgstr "Verlauf"

@@ 222,31 245,39 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Load older videos"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/new.py:22
#: ../melon/home/new.py:23
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Aktualisieren"

#: ../melon/home/new.py:31
#: ../melon/home/new.py:32
msgid "Subscribe to a channel first, to view new uploads"
msgstr "Du musst einem Kanal folgen, um neue Videos zu sehen."

#: ../melon/home/new.py:33
#: ../melon/home/new.py:34
msgid "The channels you are subscribed to haven't uploaded anything yet"
msgstr "Die Kanäle, die du abonniert hast, haben noch nichts hochgeladen"

#: ../melon/home/new.py:54
#: ../melon/home/new.py:55
#, python-brace-format
msgid "(Last refresh: {last_refresh})"
msgstr "(Zuletzt aktualisiert: {last_refresh})"

#: ../melon/home/new.py:56 ../melon/home/new.py:113
#: ../melon/home/new.py:57 ../melon/home/new.py:146
msgid "What's new"
msgstr "Neues"

#: ../melon/home/new.py:57
#: ../melon/home/new.py:58
msgid "These are the latest videos of channels you follow"
msgstr "Hier sind die neusten Videos von Kanälen, denen du folgst"

#: ../melon/home/new.py:137
msgid "Pick up where you left off"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/new.py:138
msgid "Watch"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/playlists.py:22
msgid "You don't have any playlists yet"
msgstr "Du hast noch keine Wiedergabelisten"

@@ 310,105 341,114 @@ msgstr "Die folgenden Import-Methoden wurden gefunden"
msgid "There are no available importer methods"
msgstr "Es gibt keine verfügbaren Import-Methoden"

#: ../melon/player/__init__.py:35
#: ../melon/player/__init__.py:34
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beschreibung"

#: ../melon/player/__init__.py:46
#: ../melon/player/__init__.py:45
msgid "Add this video to a playlist"
msgstr "Füge dieses Video einer Wiedergabeliste hinzu"

#: ../melon/player/__init__.py:65
#: ../melon/player/__init__.py:103
msgid "Video could not be loaded"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/player/__init__.py:97
msgid "Player"
#: ../melon/player/__init__.py:139 ../melon/player/__init__.py:173
#: ../melon/player/playlist.py:43
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/player/playlist.py:127
msgid "This playlist is empty"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/player/playlist.py:135
msgid "There was an error loading the playlist"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:39
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Bearbeiten"

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:45
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:51
msgid "You haven't added any videos to this playlist yet"
msgstr "Du hast noch keine Videos zu dieser Wiedergabeliste hinzugefügt"

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:47
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:53
msgid "Start watching"
msgstr "Videos anschauen"

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:77
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:83
msgid "Edit Playlist"
msgstr "Wiedergabeliste bearbeiten"

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:83
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:89
msgid "Playlist details"
msgstr "Wiedergabelistendetails"

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:84
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:90
msgid "Change playlist information"
msgstr "Wiedergabelistendetails ändern"

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:86 ../melon/playlist/create.py:37
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:92 ../melon/playlist/create.py:37
msgid "Playlist name"
msgstr "Name der Wiedergabeliste"

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:89 ../melon/playlist/create.py:40
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:95 ../melon/playlist/create.py:40
msgid "Playlist description"
msgstr "Beschreibung der Wiedergabeliste"

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:94
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:100
msgid "Save details"
msgstr "Details speichern"

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:95
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:101
msgid "Change playlist title and description. (Closes the dialog)"
msgstr ""
"Titel und Beschreibung der Wiedergabeliste ändern. (Schließt den Dialog)"

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:105 ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:147
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:111 ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:153
msgid "Delete Playlist"
msgstr "Wiedergabeliste löschen"

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:106
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:112
msgid "Delete this playlist and it's content. This can NOT be undone."
msgstr ""
"Diese Wiedergabeliste und ihren Inhalt löschen. Diese Aktion kann nicht "
"rückgängig gemacht werden."

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:117
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:123
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Schließen"

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:117
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:123
msgid "Close without changing anything"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:150
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:156
msgid "Do you really want to delete this playlist?"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:151
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:157
msgid "This cannot be undone"
msgstr "Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden"

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:155 ../melon/playlist/create.py:47
#: ../melon/playlist/pick.py:70 ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:174
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:217
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:161 ../melon/playlist/create.py:47
#: ../melon/playlist/pick.py:70 ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:175
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:218
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Abbruch"

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:155
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:161
msgid "Do not delete the playlist"
msgstr "Wiedergabeliste nicht löschen"

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:156 ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:206
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:218
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:162 ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:207
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:219
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Löschen"

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:156
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:162
msgid "Delete this playlist"
msgstr "Diese Wiedergabeliste löschen"

@@ 436,7 476,7 @@ msgstr "Unbenannte Wiedergabeliste"
msgid "Do not create playlist"
msgstr "Wiedergabeliste nicht erstellen"

#: ../melon/playlist/create.py:48 ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:175
#: ../melon/playlist/create.py:48 ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:176
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Erstellen"

@@ 472,26 512,26 @@ msgstr "Neue Wiedergabeliste erstellen und Video hinzufügen"
msgid "Add to Playlist"
msgstr "Zur Wiedergabeliste hinzufügen"

#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:27
#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:32
msgid "Open source alternative front-end to YouTube"
msgstr "Quelloffenes alternatives Frontend für YouTube"

#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:32
#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:37
msgid "Instance"
msgstr "Instanz"

#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:33
#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:38
msgid ""
"See https://docs.invidious.io/instances/ for a list of available instances"
msgstr ""
"Auf https://docs.invidious.io/instances/ kannst du eine liste verfügbarer "
"Instanzen finden"

#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:44
#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:49
msgid "Trending"
msgstr "Trends"

#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:45
#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:50
msgid "Popular"
msgstr "Beliebt"

@@ 651,71 691,71 @@ msgstr ""
"Deaktivierte Dienste werden beim Durchsuchen und auf dem Startbildschirm "
"nicht angezeigt"

#: ../melon/widgets/player.py:32
#: ../melon/widgets/player.py:34
msgid "No streams available"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/player.py:78 ../melon/widgets/player.py:244
#: ../melon/widgets/player.py:80 ../melon/widgets/player.py:279
msgid "Play"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/player.py:99
#: ../melon/widgets/player.py:101
msgid "Video quality"
msgstr "Auflösung"

#: ../melon/widgets/player.py:238
#: ../melon/widgets/player.py:273
msgid "Pause"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:115
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:116
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Hinzufügen"

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:129
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:130
msgid "Move up"
msgstr "Nach oben verschieben"

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:140
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:141
msgid "Move down"
msgstr "Nach unten verschieben"

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:149
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:150
msgid "Remove from list"
msgstr "Von der Liste entfernen"

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:162
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:163
msgid "Add Item"
msgstr "Eintrag hinzufügen"

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:165
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:166
msgid "Create a new list entry"
msgstr "Neuen Listeneintrag erstellen"

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:166
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:167
msgid "Enter the new value here"
msgstr "Gibt den neuen Wert hier ein"

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:169
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:170
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Wert"

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:209
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:210
msgid "Do you really want to delete this item?"
msgstr "Möchtest du den Eintrag wirklich löschen?"

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:210
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:211
msgid "You won't be able to restore it afterwards"
msgstr "Eine Wiederherstellung ist nicht möglich"

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:217
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:218
msgid "Do not remove item"
msgstr "Eintrag nicht entfernen"

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:218
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:219
msgid "Remove item from list"
msgstr "Eintrag von der Liste entfernen"

#: ../melon/window.py:76
#: ../melon/window.py:84
msgid "Stream videos on the go"
msgstr "Videos unterwegs streamen"

M po/fa.po => po/fa.po +105 -65
@@ 7,7 7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Melon 0.1.2\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-14 20:08+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-15 08:56+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-05 05:13+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: sohrabbehdani <behdanisohrab@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Persian <https://translate.codeberg.org/projects/melon/melon-"

@@ 75,9 75,11 @@ msgstr ""

#: ../melon/browse/__init__.py:18 ../melon/browse/search.py:58
#: ../melon/browse/server.py:101 ../melon/browse/server.py:127
#: ../melon/home/history.py:23 ../melon/home/new.py:28
#: ../melon/home/history.py:23 ../melon/home/new.py:29
#: ../melon/home/playlists.py:21 ../melon/home/subs.py:20
#: ../melon/importer.py:61 ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:44
#: ../melon/importer.py:61 ../melon/player/__init__.py:101
#: ../melon/player/playlist.py:125 ../melon/player/playlist.py:133
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:50
msgid "*crickets chirping*"
msgstr ""

@@ 126,15 128,19 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Channel"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/browse/playlist.py:47 ../melon/player/__init__.py:45
#: ../melon/browse/playlist.py:37 ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:42
msgid "Start playing"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/browse/playlist.py:56 ../melon/player/__init__.py:44
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "نشانک گذاری"

#: ../melon/browse/playlist.py:48
#: ../melon/browse/playlist.py:57
msgid "Add Playlist to your local playlist collection"
msgstr "افزودن این لیست‌پخش به مجموعه لیست‌پخش های محلی"

#: ../melon/browse/playlist.py:102
#: ../melon/browse/playlist.py:111
msgid "Playlist"
msgstr ""

@@ 191,14 197,31 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "This feed is empty"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/history.py:24
msgid "You haven't watched any videos yet"
#: ../melon/home/__init__.py:18
msgid "Home"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/history.py:26 ../melon/home/new.py:35 ../melon/home/subs.py:23
#: ../melon/home/__init__.py:39 ../melon/home/history.py:26
#: ../melon/home/new.py:36 ../melon/home/subs.py:23
msgid "Browse Servers"
msgstr "جستجو در کارساز ها"

#: ../melon/home/__init__.py:46
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/__init__.py:47
msgid "Import Data"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/__init__.py:48
msgid "About Melon"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/history.py:24
msgid "You haven't watched any videos yet"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/history.py:36 ../melon/home/history.py:117
msgid "History"
msgstr ""

@@ 215,31 238,39 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Load older videos"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/new.py:22
#: ../melon/home/new.py:23
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/new.py:31
#: ../melon/home/new.py:32
msgid "Subscribe to a channel first, to view new uploads"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/new.py:33
#: ../melon/home/new.py:34
msgid "The channels you are subscribed to haven't uploaded anything yet"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/new.py:54
#: ../melon/home/new.py:55
#, python-brace-format
msgid "(Last refresh: {last_refresh})"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/new.py:56 ../melon/home/new.py:113
#: ../melon/home/new.py:57 ../melon/home/new.py:146
msgid "What's new"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/new.py:57
#: ../melon/home/new.py:58
msgid "These are the latest videos of channels you follow"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/new.py:137
msgid "Pick up where you left off"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/new.py:138
msgid "Watch"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/playlists.py:22
msgid "You don't have any playlists yet"
msgstr ""

@@ 298,102 329,111 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "There are no available importer methods"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/player/__init__.py:35
#: ../melon/player/__init__.py:34
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/player/__init__.py:46
#: ../melon/player/__init__.py:45
msgid "Add this video to a playlist"
msgstr "افزودن این ویدئو به لیست‌پخش"

#: ../melon/player/__init__.py:65
#: ../melon/player/__init__.py:103
msgid "Video could not be loaded"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/player/__init__.py:97
msgid "Player"
#: ../melon/player/__init__.py:139 ../melon/player/__init__.py:173
#: ../melon/player/playlist.py:43
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/player/playlist.py:127
msgid "This playlist is empty"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/player/playlist.py:135
msgid "There was an error loading the playlist"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:39
msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:45
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:51
msgid "You haven't added any videos to this playlist yet"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:47
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:53
msgid "Start watching"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:77
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:83
msgid "Edit Playlist"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:83
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:89
msgid "Playlist details"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:84
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:90
msgid "Change playlist information"
msgstr "تغییر اطلاعات لیست پخش"

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:86 ../melon/playlist/create.py:37
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:92 ../melon/playlist/create.py:37
msgid "Playlist name"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:89 ../melon/playlist/create.py:40
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:95 ../melon/playlist/create.py:40
msgid "Playlist description"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:94
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:100
msgid "Save details"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:95
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:101
msgid "Change playlist title and description. (Closes the dialog)"
msgstr "تغییر عنوان و توضیحات لیست پخش (این پنجره بسته می شود)"

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:105 ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:147
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:111 ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:153
msgid "Delete Playlist"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:106
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:112
msgid "Delete this playlist and it's content. This can NOT be undone."
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:117
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:123
msgid "Close"
msgstr "بستن"

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:117
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:123
msgid "Close without changing anything"
msgstr "بستن بدون تغییر دادن چیزی"

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:150
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:156
msgid "Do you really want to delete this playlist?"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:151
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:157
msgid "This cannot be undone"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:155 ../melon/playlist/create.py:47
#: ../melon/playlist/pick.py:70 ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:174
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:217
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:161 ../melon/playlist/create.py:47
#: ../melon/playlist/pick.py:70 ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:175
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:218
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "لغو"

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:155
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:161
msgid "Do not delete the playlist"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:156 ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:206
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:218
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:162 ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:207
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:219
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:156
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:162
msgid "Delete this playlist"
msgstr ""

@@ 421,7 461,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Do not create playlist"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/create.py:48 ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:175
#: ../melon/playlist/create.py:48 ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:176
msgid "Create"
msgstr "ایجاد"

@@ 458,24 498,24 @@ msgstr "ایجاد یک لیست‌پخش جدید و افزودن ویدئو ب
msgid "Add to Playlist"
msgstr "افزودن به لیست‌پخش"

#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:27
#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:32
msgid "Open source alternative front-end to YouTube"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:32
#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:37
msgid "Instance"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:33
#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:38
msgid ""
"See https://docs.invidious.io/instances/ for a list of available instances"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:44
#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:49
msgid "Trending"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:45
#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:50
msgid "Popular"
msgstr ""

@@ 615,70 655,70 @@ msgid ""
"Disabled servers won't show up in the browser or on the local/home screen"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/player.py:32
#: ../melon/widgets/player.py:34
msgid "No streams available"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/player.py:78 ../melon/widgets/player.py:244
#: ../melon/widgets/player.py:80 ../melon/widgets/player.py:279
msgid "Play"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/player.py:99
#: ../melon/widgets/player.py:101
msgid "Video quality"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/player.py:238
#: ../melon/widgets/player.py:273
msgid "Pause"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:115
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:116
msgid "Add"
msgstr "افزودن"

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:129
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:130
msgid "Move up"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:140
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:141
msgid "Move down"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:149
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:150
msgid "Remove from list"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:162
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:163
msgid "Add Item"
msgstr "افزودن مورد"

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:165
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:166
msgid "Create a new list entry"
msgstr "ایجاد یک ورودی لیست جدید"

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:166
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:167
msgid "Enter the new value here"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:169
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:170
msgid "Value"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:209
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:210
msgid "Do you really want to delete this item?"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:210
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:211
msgid "You won't be able to restore it afterwards"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:217
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:218
msgid "Do not remove item"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:218
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:219
msgid "Remove item from list"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/window.py:76
#: ../melon/window.py:84
msgid "Stream videos on the go"
msgstr ""

M po/melon.pot => po/melon.pot +105 -65
@@ 8,7 8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Melon 0.1.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-14 20:08+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-15 08:56+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"

@@ 74,9 74,11 @@ msgstr ""

#: ../melon/browse/__init__.py:18 ../melon/browse/search.py:58
#: ../melon/browse/server.py:101 ../melon/browse/server.py:127
#: ../melon/home/history.py:23 ../melon/home/new.py:28
#: ../melon/home/history.py:23 ../melon/home/new.py:29
#: ../melon/home/playlists.py:21 ../melon/home/subs.py:20
#: ../melon/importer.py:61 ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:44
#: ../melon/importer.py:61 ../melon/player/__init__.py:101
#: ../melon/player/playlist.py:125 ../melon/player/playlist.py:133
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:50
msgid "*crickets chirping*"
msgstr ""

@@ 125,15 127,19 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Channel"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/browse/playlist.py:47 ../melon/player/__init__.py:45
#: ../melon/browse/playlist.py:37 ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:42
msgid "Start playing"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/browse/playlist.py:56 ../melon/player/__init__.py:44
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/browse/playlist.py:48
#: ../melon/browse/playlist.py:57
msgid "Add Playlist to your local playlist collection"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/browse/playlist.py:102
#: ../melon/browse/playlist.py:111
msgid "Playlist"
msgstr ""

@@ 190,14 196,31 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "This feed is empty"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/history.py:24
msgid "You haven't watched any videos yet"
#: ../melon/home/__init__.py:18
msgid "Home"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/history.py:26 ../melon/home/new.py:35 ../melon/home/subs.py:23
#: ../melon/home/__init__.py:39 ../melon/home/history.py:26
#: ../melon/home/new.py:36 ../melon/home/subs.py:23
msgid "Browse Servers"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/__init__.py:46
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/__init__.py:47
msgid "Import Data"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/__init__.py:48
msgid "About Melon"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/history.py:24
msgid "You haven't watched any videos yet"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/history.py:36 ../melon/home/history.py:117
msgid "History"
msgstr ""

@@ 214,31 237,39 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Load older videos"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/new.py:22
#: ../melon/home/new.py:23
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/new.py:31
#: ../melon/home/new.py:32
msgid "Subscribe to a channel first, to view new uploads"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/new.py:33
#: ../melon/home/new.py:34
msgid "The channels you are subscribed to haven't uploaded anything yet"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/new.py:54
#: ../melon/home/new.py:55
#, python-brace-format
msgid "(Last refresh: {last_refresh})"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/new.py:56 ../melon/home/new.py:113
#: ../melon/home/new.py:57 ../melon/home/new.py:146
msgid "What's new"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/new.py:57
#: ../melon/home/new.py:58
msgid "These are the latest videos of channels you follow"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/new.py:137
msgid "Pick up where you left off"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/new.py:138
msgid "Watch"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/home/playlists.py:22
msgid "You don't have any playlists yet"
msgstr ""

@@ 297,102 328,111 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "There are no available importer methods"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/player/__init__.py:35
#: ../melon/player/__init__.py:34
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/player/__init__.py:46
#: ../melon/player/__init__.py:45
msgid "Add this video to a playlist"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/player/__init__.py:65
#: ../melon/player/__init__.py:103
msgid "Video could not be loaded"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/player/__init__.py:97
msgid "Player"
#: ../melon/player/__init__.py:139 ../melon/player/__init__.py:173
#: ../melon/player/playlist.py:43
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/player/playlist.py:127
msgid "This playlist is empty"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/player/playlist.py:135
msgid "There was an error loading the playlist"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:39
msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:45
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:51
msgid "You haven't added any videos to this playlist yet"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:47
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:53
msgid "Start watching"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:77
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:83
msgid "Edit Playlist"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:83
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:89
msgid "Playlist details"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:84
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:90
msgid "Change playlist information"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:86 ../melon/playlist/create.py:37
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:92 ../melon/playlist/create.py:37
msgid "Playlist name"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:89 ../melon/playlist/create.py:40
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:95 ../melon/playlist/create.py:40
msgid "Playlist description"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:94
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:100
msgid "Save details"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:95
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:101
msgid "Change playlist title and description. (Closes the dialog)"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:105 ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:147
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:111 ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:153
msgid "Delete Playlist"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:106
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:112
msgid "Delete this playlist and it's content. This can NOT be undone."
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:117
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:123
msgid "Close"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:117
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:123
msgid "Close without changing anything"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:150
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:156
msgid "Do you really want to delete this playlist?"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:151
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:157
msgid "This cannot be undone"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:155 ../melon/playlist/create.py:47
#: ../melon/playlist/pick.py:70 ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:174
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:217
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:161 ../melon/playlist/create.py:47
#: ../melon/playlist/pick.py:70 ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:175
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:218
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:155
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:161
msgid "Do not delete the playlist"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:156 ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:206
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:218
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:162 ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:207
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:219
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:156
#: ../melon/playlist/__init__.py:162
msgid "Delete this playlist"
msgstr ""

@@ 420,7 460,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Do not create playlist"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/playlist/create.py:48 ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:175
#: ../melon/playlist/create.py:48 ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:176
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""

@@ 454,24 494,24 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Add to Playlist"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:27
#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:32
msgid "Open source alternative front-end to YouTube"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:32
#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:37
msgid "Instance"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:33
#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:38
msgid ""
"See https://docs.invidious.io/instances/ for a list of available instances"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:44
#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:49
msgid "Trending"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:45
#: ../melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py:50
msgid "Popular"
msgstr ""

@@ 611,70 651,70 @@ msgid ""
"Disabled servers won't show up in the browser or on the local/home screen"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/player.py:32
#: ../melon/widgets/player.py:34
msgid "No streams available"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/player.py:78 ../melon/widgets/player.py:244
#: ../melon/widgets/player.py:80 ../melon/widgets/player.py:279
msgid "Play"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/player.py:99
#: ../melon/widgets/player.py:101
msgid "Video quality"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/player.py:238
#: ../melon/widgets/player.py:273
msgid "Pause"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:115
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:116
msgid "Add"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:129
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:130
msgid "Move up"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:140
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:141
msgid "Move down"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:149
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:150
msgid "Remove from list"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:162
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:163
msgid "Add Item"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:165
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:166
msgid "Create a new list entry"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:166
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:167
msgid "Enter the new value here"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:169
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:170
msgid "Value"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:209
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:210
msgid "Do you really want to delete this item?"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:210
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:211
msgid "You won't be able to restore it afterwards"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:217
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:218
msgid "Do not remove item"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:218
#: ../melon/widgets/preferencerow.py:219
msgid "Remove item from list"
msgstr ""

#: ../melon/window.py:76
#: ../melon/window.py:84
msgid "Stream videos on the go"
msgstr ""