
abe1a352529e421a26aa4439c371dd2e5b5cb082 — Jakob Meier a month ago 35c94b4
Reformat files using ruff
M melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py => melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py +0 -1
@@ 29,7 29,6 @@ class NewpipeInvidiousImporter(NewpipeImporter):
# because not all invidious servers provide the api
# and even if they do, most of the time it is ratelimited
class Invidious(Server):

    id = "invidious"
    name = "Invidious"
    description = _("Open source alternative front-end to YouTube")

M melon/servers/nebula/__init__.py => melon/servers/nebula/__init__.py +0 -1
@@ 14,7 14,6 @@ from melon.servers import USER_AGENT
# because not all invidious servers provide the api
# and even if they do, most of the time it is ratelimited
class Nebula(Server):

    id = "nebula"
    name = "Nebula"
    description = _(

M melon/servers/peertube/__init__.py => melon/servers/peertube/__init__.py +0 -1
@@ 10,7 10,6 @@ from melon.import_providers.newpipe import NewpipeImporter

class Peertube(Server):

    id = "peertube"
    name = "Peertube"
    description = _("Decentralized video hosting network, based on free/libre software")

M melon/widgets/feeditem.py => melon/widgets/feeditem.py +2 -2
@@ 31,7 31,7 @@ class AdaptiveFeedItem(Adw.ActionRow):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.res = resource

@@ 190,7 190,7 @@ class AdaptivePlaylistFeedItem(Adw.ActionRow):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.set_title(unidecode(playlist.inner.title).replace("&", "&"))