
a944ca32cee18d104db4461a1afb46e5b10d4f47 — Jakob Meier 7 months ago 92384b4 0.1.0.beta2
[Servers] import invidious data from newpipe.db
2 files changed, 171 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

A melon/import_providers/newpipe.py
M melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py
A melon/import_providers/newpipe.py => melon/import_providers/newpipe.py +157 -0
@@ 0,0 1,157 @@
from abc import ABC
import sqlite3

from melon.import_providers import ImportProvider, PickerMode
from melon.servers import Channel, Playlist, Video
from melon.models import ensure_subscribed_to_channel, ensure_bookmark_external_playlist, add_to_history, new_local_playlist, add_to_local_playlist, set_local_playlist_thumbnail, add_history_items, add_videos

def connect_to_db(database_path):
    con = sqlite3.connect(database_path)
    return con

def adapt_json(data):
    return (json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True)).encode()

def convert_json(blob):
    return json.loads(blob.decode())

sqlite3.register_adapter(dict, adapt_json)
sqlite3.register_adapter(list, adapt_json)
sqlite3.register_adapter(tuple, adapt_json)
sqlite3.register_converter('json', convert_json)

class NewpipeImporter(ImportProvider, ABC):
    id = "newpipedb"

    title = "Newpipe Database importer"
    description = "Import the .db file from inside the newpipe .zip export (as invidious content)"
    picker_title = "Select .db file"

    # the server id for resources
    # url used to replace https://www.youtube.com
    # url used to replace https://i.ytimg.com
    # service id to match in newpipe db

    mode = PickerMode.FILE
    is_multi = False

    filters = {
        "Newpipe Database": [ "application/x-sqlite3" ]

    db:sqlite3.Connection = None

    # additional information about newpipes database layout
    # https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe/wiki/Database
    def load(self, selection:list[str]):
        db_path = selection[0]
        self.db = connect_to_db(db_path)


    def __load_subs(self):
        results = self.db.execute("""
        SELECT service_id, url, name, avatar_url, description
        FROM subscriptions
        for dt in results:
            if dt[0] == self.service_id:
                server = self.server_id
                url = dt[1].replace("https://www.youtube.com", self.base_url)
                name = dt[2]
                bio = dt[4]
                avatar = dt[3].replace("https://i.ytimg.com", self.img_url)
                id = url.split("/")[-1]
                c = Channel(server, url, id, name, bio, avatar)

    def __load_history(self):
        results = self.db.execute("""
        SELECT service_id, url, title, access_date, uploader_url, uploader, thumbnail_url
        FROM streams JOIN stream_history ON stream_history.stream_id = streams.uid
        entries = []
        for dt in results:
            if dt[0] == self.service_id:
                server = self.server_id
                url = dt[1].replace("https://www.youtube.com", self.base_url)
                id = url.split("=")[-1]
                title = dt[2]
                channel_name = dt[5]
                channel_id = None
                if not dt[4] is None:
                    channel_id = dt[4].split("/")[-1]
                thumb = dt[6].replace("https://i.ytimg.com", self.img_url)
                # newpipe does not store description
                desc = ""
                uts = dt[3] / 1000
                v = Video(server, url, id, title, (channel_name, channel_id), desc, thumb)
                entries.append((v, uts))
        add_videos([ d[0] for d in entries ])

    def __load_local_playlists(self):
        results = self.db.execute("""
        SELECT uid, name, thumbnail_stream_id
        FROM playlists
        for dt in results:
            name = dt[1]
            # newpipe doesn't support playlist descriptions
            description = ""
            uid = dt[0]
            vids = self.db.execute("""
            SELECT service_id, url, title, uploader, uploader_url, thumbnail_url
            FROM playlist_stream_join, streams
            WHERE playlist_stream_join.playlist_id = ? AND streams.uid = playlist_stream_join.stream_id
            ORDER BY playlist_stream_join.join_index
            """, (uid,)).fetchall()
            videos = []
            for vdt in vids:
                if vdt[0] == self.service_id:
                    # youtube detected (I think)
                    server = self.server_id
                    url = vdt[1].replace("https://www.youtube.com", self.base_url)
                    id = url.split("=")[-1]
                    title = vdt[2]
                    channel_name = vdt[3]
                    channel_id = None
                    if not vdt[4] is None:
                        channel_id = vdt[4].split("/")[-1]
                    thumb = vdt[5].replace("https://i.ytimg.com", self.img_url)
                    # newpipe doesn't store descriptions
                    desc = ""
                    videos.append(Video(server, url, id, title, (channel_name, channel_id), desc, thumb))
            pid = new_local_playlist(name, description, videos)
            thumb = self.db.execute("""
            SELECT thumbnail_url
            FROM streams
            WHERE uid = ?
            """, (dt[2],)).fetchone()
            if not thumb is None:
                set_local_playlist_thumbnail(pid, thumb[0].replace("https://i.ytimg.com", self.img_url))

    def __load_remote_playlists(self):
        results = self.db.execute("""
        SELECT service_id, name, url, thumbnail_url, uploader
        FROM remote_playlists
        for dt in results:
            if dt[0] == self.service_id:
                server = self.server_id
                url = dt[2].replace("https://www.youtube.com", self.base_url)
                id = url.split("=")[-1]
                title = dt[1]
                channel_name = dt[4]
                # newpipe doesn't store the channel id
                channel_id = None
                thumb = dt[3].replace("https://i.ytimg.com", self.img_url)
                p = Playlist(server, url, id, title, (channel_name, channel_id), thumb)

M melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py => melon/servers/invidious/__init__.py +14 -0
@@ 5,6 5,15 @@ from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
from urllib.parse import urlparse,parse_qs
from datetime import datetime
from melon.import_providers.newpipe import NewpipeImporter

class NewpipeInvidiousImporter(NewpipeImporter):
    server_id = "invidious"
    # I think newpipe uses service_id 0 for youtube content
    service_id = 0
    def __init__(self, url):
        self.base_url = url
        self.img_url = url

# NOTE: uses beautifulsoup instead of the invidious api
# because not all invidious servers provide the api

@@ 294,3 303,8 @@ class Invidious(Server):
            return results
        return []

    def get_import_providers(self):
        return [