
594b8cb290b541164c566c9de9aae1b0501a98a6 — Jakob Meier 2 months ago 35a9f39
Use sourcehut CI to build an unstable flatpak version

The CI is currently running directly on the main branch,
building usigned flatpaks and pushing them into an s3 bucket.
4 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

A .builds/flatpak-nightly.yml
M flatpak/README.md
A flatpak/melon-nightly.flatpakrepo
A .builds/flatpak-nightly.yml => .builds/flatpak-nightly.yml +44 -0
@@ 0,0 1,44 @@
image: alpine/edge
  # prepare dependencies
  - flatpak
  # build dependencies
  - flatpak-builder
  - appstream-compose
  # upload dependencies
  - s3fs-fuse
  app_id: "icu.ccw.Melon"
  repo_dir: "/home/build/repo"
  s3_url: "https://s3.ccw.icu"
  s3_bucket: "melon.flatpak-nightly"
  - https://git.hut.ccw.icu/~comcloudway/melon
  # s3fs passwd file
  # format: <access-key>:<secret_access_key>
  - 46ce8da6-9e44-4e6c-a5fa-2e25d05fe3bb
  # Adapted from https://docs.flatpak.org/en/latest/hosting-a-repository.html
  - s3fs-setup: |
      sudo modprobe fuse
      sudo mv ~/.passwd-s3fs /etc/passwd-s3fs
      mkdir -p $repo_dir-live
      sudo s3fs $s3_bucket $repo_dir-live -o url=$s3_url -o use_path_request_style -o umask=0007,uid=$(id -u) -o allow_other
      cp -r $repo_dir-live $repo_dir
  - prepare: |
      flatpak remote-add --user --if-not-exists flathub "https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo"
  # XXX: consider signing the build using pgp
  - build-dependencies: |
      cd melon
      flatpak-builder build --user --install-deps-from=flathub --disable-rofiles-fuse --disable-updates --force-clean --repo=$repo_dir flatpak/$app_id.yml
  - build-bundle: |
      cd melon
      flatpak build-bundle $repo_dir $repo_dir/$app_id.flatpak --runtime-repo="https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo" $app_id
  - build-update-repo: |
      cd melon
      flatpak build-update-repo --generate-static-deltas --prune $repo_dir
  - cleanup: |
      cp -r $repo_dir/* $repo_dir-live
      sudo umount $repo_dir-live

M README.md => README.md +23 -2
@@ 40,8 40,29 @@ head over to [Weblate](https://translate.codeberg.org/engage/melon/)
[![Translation status](https://translate.codeberg.org/widget/melon/multi-auto.svg)](https://translate.codeberg.org/engage/melon/)

## 📦 Packages
There are currently no prebuilt packages available,
however you can build [the Flatpak yourself](./flatpak/README.md).
There are currently no per-release prebuilt packages available.

You can build [the Flatpak yourself](./flatpak/README.md) 
or install a nigthly version from our unsigned nightly repo.
[![builds.sr.ht status](http://builds.hut.ccw.icu/~comcloudway/melon/commits/main/flatpak-nightly.yml.svg)](http://builds.hut.ccw.icu/~comcloudway/melon/commits/main/flatpak-nightly.yml?) \
The easiest way to do this is to download the `.flatpak` bundle file
[from the s3 bucket](https://flatpak-nightly.melon.ccw.icu/icu.ccw.Melon.flatpak)
and install it using a GUI software manager 
or by opening a terminal in the same directory as the file and running
flatpak install --user icu.ccw.Melon.flatpak
If you want auto updates, you have to add the flatpak repository
# if you have cloned the repository
flatpak remote-add --user --if-not-exists melon-nightly flatpak/melon-nightly.flatpakrepo
# or without cloning the repository
flatpak remote-add --user --if-not-exists melon-nightly https://codeberg.org/comcloudway/melon/raw/branch/main/flatpak/melon-nightly.flatpakrepo
Afterwards, all you have to do is run the install command, and flatpak should automatically resolve the repo.
flatpak install --user icu.ccw.Melon

If you are running an [Alpine Linux](https://alpinelinux.org/) based distro,
like [postmarketOS](https://postmarketos.org/), 

M flatpak/README.md => flatpak/README.md +0 -1
@@ 25,7 25,6 @@ navigate into the `flatpak` directory of the `melon` source
cd flatpak

If you have never used flatpak before, 
or haven't added the flathub repo, you have to add it before building the manifest
``` sh

A flatpak/melon-nightly.flatpakrepo => flatpak/melon-nightly.flatpakrepo +7 -0
@@ 0,0 1,7 @@
[Flatpak Repo]
Comment=Nightly Melon build repository
Description=Nightly Melon build repository