
9e7ba1e5274054efa56cdf5de9262b327efb888a — Jakob Meier 1 year, 25 days ago b8bbc58
Migrated to using markdown readme
2 files changed, 160 insertions(+), 167 deletions(-)

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# Cabin
Simple alpine package builder with dependency resolution.

While `abuild` has the option to automatically install dependencies,
it does not have the option to automatically build them.
This makes it difficult to build packages for a custom mirror from scratch.
(Without using upstream packages)
Cabin aims to simplify this by making dependency resolution easier.

## Usage

### Help
You can use the help command to view a command description

> Simple alpine package builder with dependency resolution using abuild
> Usage: cabin <COMMAND>
> Commands:
>   list       Lists all known packages
>   scan       Rescans all folders
>   build-all  Build all packages in repo
>   build      Builds the package
>   info       Displays package information
>   search     Searches the database for a package with the name or containing the name
>   tree       show a list of all dependencies
>   help       Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
> Options:
>   -h, --help     Print help
>   -V, --version  Print version

You can also combine the commands with
`help` to view available options

### Scan
First of all,
you have to generate a database file for the `aports` directory.
``` sh
cabin scan
This will automatically scan the current folder (`.`),
and all child-folders recursively and save the database to `db.yml`.

``` sh
cabin scan
# view the help page
cabin help scan

> Searches the folder for APKBUILDs recursively and builds a local database
> Usage: cabin scan [FOLDER] [DB]
> Arguments:
>   [FOLDER]  workspace
>   [DB]      package database path
> Options:
>   -h, --help  Print help

**NOTE**: you have to rerun the `scan` command
every time the `aports` change.

### List
The `list` command can be used to list known packages:
cabin list

For a list of all options, see the help page
cabin help list

> Lists all known packages
> Usage: cabin list [OPTIONS]
> Options:
>   -d, --db <DB>  package database path
>   -h, --help     Print help

### Search

### Build
To build a given package in the repo,
run the following command:
cabin build <package>
Keep in mind,
that you have to add `$HOME/packages` to `/etc/apk/repositories`
if you want to use the dependency resolution / auto build feature.

cabin help build

> Builds the package
> Usage: cabin build [OPTIONS] <PACKAGE>
> Arguments:
>   <PACKAGE>  the packagename
> Options:
>   -a, --arch <ARCH>  build the package for a target architecture requires abuild-rootbld and qemu-binfmt to be installed (for the given architecture) and the .rootbld-repositories file to be configured correctly (even if set to host architecture)
>   -r                 disables dependency resolution wont compile the dependencies locally however this will still pass -r to abuild and fetch the prebuild packages from upstream
>   -d, --db <DB>      package database path
>   -v                 allows the build log to be toggled on and off
>   -h, --help         Print help

### Build All
cabin help build-all

> Build all packages in repo
> Usage: cabin build-all [OPTIONS]
> Options:
>   -a, --arch <ARCH>  build the package for a target architecture requires abuild-rootbld and qemu-binfmt to be installed (for the given architecture) and the .rootbld-repositories file to be configured correctly (even if set to host architecture)
>   -d, --db <DB>      package database path
>   -v                 allows the build log to be toggled on and off
>   -h, --help         Print help

### Tree
cabin help tree

> show a list of all dependencies
> Usage: cabin tree [OPTIONS] <PACKAGE>
> Arguments:
>   <PACKAGE>  the packagename
> Options:
>   -d, --db <DB>  package database path
>   -l             shows only local dependencies, that can be found in the local database will also topologically sort the dependencies
>   -h, --help     Print help

## Dependencies
### Compile-time
- `cargo`
- `rust`

`rustup` can setup the compile-time dependencies for you,
just follow [the official setup instructions](https://rustup.rs/).
### Runtime
- `apk` (to install packages)
- `abuild` (to build packages)
- `qemu-binfmt` (and the user packages for the given architecture,
  only needed when building with `-a` (`arch`)
  set to an architecture other than the host architecture)

Assuming you are running [Alpine Linux](alpinelinux.org/),
you can use the following command to install `abuild`
apk add abuild
However you also have to configure `abuild` to use a `rsa` key-pair,
luckily the steps are documented on the [Alpine Wiki](https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Creating_an_Alpine_package).

## Building
You can use `cargo` to build `cabin` and its dependencies:
cargo build --release

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* Cabin
Simple alpine package builder with dependency resolution.

While ~abuild~ has the option to automatically install dependencies,
it does not have the option to automatically build them.
This makes it difficult to build packages for a custom mirror from scratch.
(Without using upstream packages)
Cabin aims to simplify this by making dependency resolution easier.

In theory Cabin should also make it possible
to use the [[gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/][offical aports repo]] somewhat like ~portage~ repos on Gentoo,
by indexing and compiling packages locally.

** Usage

*** Help
You can use the help command to view a command description
#+begin_src bash
$ cabin

Simple alpine package builder with dependency resolution using abuild

Usage: cabin <COMMAND>

  list       Lists all known packages
  scan       Rescans all folders
  build-all  Build all packages in repo
  build      Builds the package
  info       Displays package information
  search     Searches the database for a package with the name or containing the name
  tree       show a list of all dependencies
  help       Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

You can also combine the commands with
~help~ to view available options

*** Scan
First of all,
you have to generate a database file for the ~aports~ directory.
#+begin_src bash
cabin scan
This will automatically scan the current folder (~.~),
and all child-folders recursively and save the database to ~db.yml~.

#+begin_src bash
$ cabin help scan

Searches the folder for APKBUILDs recursively and builds a local database

Usage: cabin scan [FOLDER] [DB]

  [FOLDER]  workspace
  [DB]      package database path

  -h, --help  Print help

*NOTE*: you have to rerun the ~scan~ command
every time the ~aports~ change.
*** List
#+begin_src bash
$ cabin help list

Lists all known packages

Usage: cabin list [OPTIONS]

  -d, --db <DB>  package database path
  -h, --help     Print help
*** Search
*** Build
To build a given package in the repo,
run the following command:
#+begin_src bash
cabin build <package>
Keep in mind,
that you have to add ~$HOME/packages~ to ~/etc/apk/repositories~
if you want to use the dependency resolution / auto build feature.

#+begin_src bash
$ cabin help build

Builds the package

Usage: cabin build [OPTIONS] <PACKAGE>

  <PACKAGE>  the packagename

  -a, --arch <ARCH>  build the package for a target architecture requires abuild-rootbld and qemu-binfmt to be installed (for the given architecture) and the .rootbld-repositories file to be configured correctly (even if set to host architecture)
  -r                 disables dependency resolution wont compile the dependencies locally however this will still pass -r to abuild and fetch the prebuild packages from upstream
  -d, --db <DB>      package database path
  -v                 allows the build log to be toggled on and off
  -h, --help         Print help
*** Build All
#+begin_src bash
$ cabin help build-all

Build all packages in repo

Usage: cabin build-all [OPTIONS]

  -a, --arch <ARCH>  build the package for a target architecture requires abuild-rootbld and qemu-binfmt to be installed (for the given architecture) and the .rootbld-repositories file to be configured correctly (even if set to host architecture)
  -d, --db <DB>      package database path
  -v                 allows the build log to be toggled on and off
  -h, --help         Print help
*** Tree
#+begin_src bash
$ cabin help tree

show a list of all dependencies

Usage: cabin tree [OPTIONS] <PACKAGE>

  <PACKAGE>  the packagename

  -d, --db <DB>  package database path
  -l             shows only local dependencies, that can be found in the local database will also topologically sort the dependencies
  -h, --help     Print help

** Dependencies
*** Compile-time
- ~cargo~
- ~rust~

~rustup~ can setup the compile-time dependencies for you,
just follow [[https://rustup.rs/][the official setup instructions]].
*** Runtime
- ~apk~ (to install packages)
- ~abuild~ (to build packages)
- ~qemu-binfmt~ (and the user packages for the given architecture,
  only needed when building with ~-a~ (~arch~)
  set to an architecture other than the host architecture)

Assuming you are running [[alpinelinux.org/][Alpine Linux]],
you can use the following command to install ~abuild~
#+begin_src bash
apk add abuild
However you also have to configure ~abuild~ to use a ~rsa~ key-pair,
luckily the steps are documented on the [[https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Creating_an_Alpine_package][Alpine Wiki]].

** Building
You can use ~cargo~ to build ~cabin~ and its dependencies:
#+begin_src bash
cargo build --release