
656dec4167a89e69919189150855723c8e6ab128 — Dhruvin Gandhi 2 years ago 4fb96bc
images/guix: stop providing cache from host
1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

M images/guix/genimg
M images/guix/genimg => images/guix/genimg +0 -5
@@ 86,10 86,5 @@ guest_ssh build@localhost tee .gitconfig <<EOF
    email = builds@sr.ht

# Provide guest the cache of host guix to reuse guix channel checkout
# and authentication
guest_ssh build@localhost mkdir -p .cache
guest_scp -qpr ~/.cache/guix build@localhost:.cache

# Update guest guix
guest_ssh build@localhost guix pull -v0