
fbbfaf0655564ab36a7f38d6f85a10fd75712a4a — Jakob Meier 10 months ago 5aeb753
Added internal ipnet variable, to allow case-by-case adjustment

fixes bug where other services were unable to connect to the meta system
M group_vars/all/default.yml => group_vars/all/default.yml +1 -1
@@ 20,7 20,7 @@ srht_smtp_password: ""
srht_smtp_error_to: ""
srht_smtp_error_from: ""
srht_enable_registration: "yes"

srht_ipnet: ",::1/128,,,"

# before running, you have to copy the pgp private and public key
# put the key id here

M roles/git.sr.ht/tasks/config.yml => roles/git.sr.ht/tasks/config.yml +1 -1
@@ 69,7 69,7 @@
      # *.sr.ht services are running.
      # Comma-separated, CIDR notation.
      internal-ipnet={{ srht_ipnet }}
      # The authorized keys hook uses this to dispatch to various handlers

M roles/meta.sr.ht/tasks/config.yml => roles/meta.sr.ht/tasks/config.yml +2 -2
@@ 30,7 30,7 @@
      # Origin URL for the API
      # By default, the API port is 100 more than the web port


@@ 52,7 52,7 @@
      # *.sr.ht services are running.
      # Comma-separated, CIDR notation.
      internal-ipnet={{ srht_ipnet }}
