
ca4c6b266dd537c9ad36b89fcb9580c1851f4b67 — Jakob Meier 10 months ago fe9b326
experimental hub.sr.ht support

TODO: documentation
A roles/hub.sr.ht/defaults/main.yml => roles/hub.sr.ht/defaults/main.yml +3 -0
@@ 0,0 1,3 @@
hubsrht_oauth_client_id: ""
hubsrht_oauth_client_secret: ""

A roles/hub.sr.ht/tasks/config.yml => roles/hub.sr.ht/tasks/config.yml +39 -0
@@ 0,0 1,39 @@
- name: Ensure the hub.sr.ht config is injected
    path: /etc/sr.ht/config.ini
    marker: "#-- {mark} ANSIBLE hub.sr.ht --#"
    block: |
      # URL hub.sr.ht is being served at (protocol://domain)
      origin={{ srht_protocol }}://hub.{{ srht_domain }}
      # Address and port to bind the debug server to
      # Configures the SQLAlchemy connection string for the database.
      # Set to "yes" to automatically run migrations on package upgrade.
      # hub.sr.ht's OAuth client ID and secret for meta.sr.ht
      # Register your client at meta.example.org/oauth
      oauth-client-id={{ hubsrht_oauth_client_id }}
      oauth-client-secret={{ hubsrht_oauth_client_secret }}
  register: conf

- name: Enable & start hub.sr.ht service
    name: hub.sr.ht
    state: restarted
    enabled: true
  when: conf.changed
- name: Enable & start hub.sr.ht api service
    name: hub.sr.ht-api
    state: restarted
    enabled: true
  when: conf.changed

A roles/hub.sr.ht/tasks/db.yml => roles/hub.sr.ht/tasks/db.yml +15 -0
@@ 0,0 1,15 @@
- name: Copy database schema to host
    src: schema.psql
    dest: /tmp/hubsrht.psql

- name: Create database
    name: hubsrht

- name: Ensure database layout
    name: hubsrht
    state: restore
    target: /tmp/hubsrht.psql

A roles/hub.sr.ht/tasks/main.yml => roles/hub.sr.ht/tasks/main.yml +15 -0
@@ 0,0 1,15 @@
- name: Install hub.sr.ht packages
      - hub.sr.ht
    state: latest

- name: Setup Database
  ansible.builtin.import_tasks: db.yml

- name: Setup config & services
  ansible.builtin.import_tasks: config.yml

- name: Setup nginx
  ansible.builtin.import_tasks: nginx.yml

A roles/hub.sr.ht/tasks/nginx.yml => roles/hub.sr.ht/tasks/nginx.yml +13 -0
@@ 0,0 1,13 @@
- name: Copy nginx config file
    src: nginx.conf
    dest: /etc/nginx/http.d/hub.sr.ht.conf
  register: nginxconf

- name: Start & enable nginx
    name: nginx
    state: restarted
    enabled: true
  when: nginxconf.changed

A roles/hub.sr.ht/templates/nginx.conf => roles/hub.sr.ht/templates/nginx.conf +35 -0
@@ 0,0 1,35 @@
server {
	include sourcehut.conf;
	server_name hub.{{ srht_domain }};

	location / {
		return 302 {{ srht_protocol }}://{{ srht_domain }}$request_uri;

server {
	include sourcehut.conf;
	server_name {{ srht_domain }};

	location / {
		include headers.conf;
		add_header Content-Security-Policy "default-src 'none'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; img-src * data:; script-src 'self'; frame-ancestors 'none'" always;
		include web.conf;

	location /query {
		include graphql.conf;

	location /static {
		root /usr/lib/$python/site-packages/hubsrht;
		expires 30d;

	# Redirect for legacy.sr.ht
	location ~ ^/[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\.[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$ {
		return 302 {{ srht_protocol }}://l.{{ srht_domain }}$request_uri;

A roles/hub.sr.ht/templates/schema.psql => roles/hub.sr.ht/templates/schema.psql +103 -0
@@ 0,0 1,103 @@
CREATE TYPE visibility AS ENUM (

	id serial PRIMARY KEY,
	created timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
	updated timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
	username character varying(256),
	email character varying(256) NOT NULL,
	user_type character varying NOT NULL,
	url character varying(256),
	location character varying(256),
	bio character varying(4096),
	suspension_notice character varying(4096),
	oauth_token character varying(256),
	oauth_token_expires timestamp without time zone,
	oauth_token_scopes character varying,
	oauth_revocation_token character varying(256)

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ix_user_username ON "user" USING btree (username);

CREATE TABLE project (
	id serial PRIMARY KEY,
	created timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
	updated timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
	owner_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES "user"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
	name character varying(128) NOT NULL,
	description character varying(512) NOT NULL,
	website character varying,
	visibility visibility DEFAULT 'UNLISTED'::visibility NOT NULL,
	checklist_complete boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
	summary_repo_id integer,
	tags character varying(16)[] DEFAULT '{}'::character varying[] NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE features (
	id serial PRIMARY KEY,
	created timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
	project_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES project(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
	summary character varying NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE mailing_list (
	id serial PRIMARY KEY,
	remote_id integer NOT NULL,
	created timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
	updated timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
	project_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES project(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
	owner_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES "user"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
	name character varying(128) NOT NULL,
	description character varying,
	visibility visibility DEFAULT 'UNLISTED'::visibility NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE source_repo (
	id serial PRIMARY KEY,
	remote_id integer NOT NULL,
	created timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
	updated timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
	project_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES project(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
	owner_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES "user"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
	name character varying(128) NOT NULL,
	description character varying,
	repo_type character varying NOT NULL,
	visibility visibility DEFAULT 'UNLISTED'::visibility NOT NULL,
	CONSTRAINT project_source_repo_unique UNIQUE (project_id, remote_id, repo_type)

	ADD CONSTRAINT project_summary_repo_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (summary_repo_id) REFERENCES source_repo(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;

CREATE TABLE tracker (
	id serial PRIMARY KEY,
	remote_id integer NOT NULL,
	created timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
	updated timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
	project_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES project(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
	owner_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES "user"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
	name character varying(128) NOT NULL,
	description character varying,
	visibility visibility DEFAULT 'UNLISTED'::visibility NOT NULL

	id serial PRIMARY KEY,
	created timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
	project_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES project(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
	user_id integer REFERENCES "user"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
	event_type character varying NOT NULL,
	source_repo_id integer REFERENCES source_repo(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
	mailing_list_id integer REFERENCES mailing_list(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
	tracker_id integer REFERENCES tracker(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
	external_source character varying,
	external_summary character varying,
	external_details character varying,
	external_summary_plain character varying,
	external_details_plain character varying,
	external_url character varying

M run.yml => run.yml +4 -0
@@ 19,3 19,7 @@
  hosts: all
    - role: git.sr.ht
- name: Setup hub.sr.ht
  hosts: all
    - role: hub.sr.ht