
7fd5043077a436e76495591c376367a1c6d367c3 — Jakob Meier 8 months ago f98013e main
Added git.sr.ht outgoing-domain config & new S3 instructions for git and
A docs/S3.md => docs/S3.md +39 -0
@@ 0,0 1,39 @@
# Object Storage
To use object storage, you need access to an S3 server.
For example AWS or [minio](https://min.io/).

I'll assume that you are using `minio`, 
because you can easily host it yourself.

After setting up your S3 server,
create an access key and a secret key with `readwrite` access.
Open your `secret.yml` file and add the following options:
# s3 server url
# url of your s3 server
# i.e s3.{{ srht_domain }}
srht_s3_upstream: ""
# s3 acces key
# used for authentification
srht_s3_access_key: ""
# s3 secret key
# used for authentification
srht_s3_secret_key: ""

Now configure the services to use a specific bucket.
See the role's `README.md` for more details.

Here is a list of some services that support object storage.
This list might be incomplete. If in doubt check the role's `README.md`:
- [builds.sr.ht](../roles/builds.sr.ht/README.md)
- [git.sr.ht](../roles/git.sr.ht/README.md)

To create a bucket, you can also use the web-console, 
just make sure you grant `readwrite` permission 
for the access key you generated above.

Afterwards rerun the ansible playbook 
and make sure the `sr.ht-core` role 
(and the other services you configured)
successfully reinitialized the config.

M roles/builds.sr.ht/README.md => roles/builds.sr.ht/README.md +3 -21
@@ 20,34 20,16 @@ the worker container/VM is allowed to use.

#### Artifact uploads
To use the `artifacts` option to automatically upload artifacts,
you have to setup s3 object storage.
you have to setup an `s3` connection.
For setup instructions see [our S3 guide](../../docs/S3.md).

**This requires access to an s3 storage server like minio or AWS**,
for example you could use 
[the minio docker container](https://hub.docker.com/r/minio/minio/).

Using the admin panel of your s3 storage solution,
create a new bucket (for example `builds.sr.ht`) 
and create a new *access-key* with write permission for that bucket.
(NOTE: this will also generate a *secret-key* that will only be shown once,
so make sure to copy it).

After creating the bucket and keys,
open you secret file and configure the following variables:
Additional required configuration options:

``` yaml
# s3 server url
srht_s3_upstream: "s3.{{ srht_domain }}"
# s3 bucket name
buildssrht_s3_bucket: "builds.sr.ht"
# s3 prefix
buildssrht_s3_prefix: ""
# s3 acces key
# used for authentification
srht_s3_access_key: ""
# s3 secret key
# used for authentification
srht_s3_secret_key: ""

Note that `srht_s3_*` affects configuration options for your whole instance,

A roles/git.sr.ht/README.md => roles/git.sr.ht/README.md +28 -0
@@ 0,0 1,28 @@
# git.sr.ht
## Configuration
### Object storage
To use the `artifacts` option to automatically upload artifacts,
you have to setup an `s3` connection.
For setup instructions see [our S3 guide](../../docs/S3.md).

Additional required configuration options:

``` yaml
# s3 bucket name
gitsrht_s3_bucket: "builds.sr.ht"
# s3 prefix
gitsrht_s3_prefix: ""

Note that `srht_s3_*` affects configuration options for your whole instance,
and thus require you to rerun the full playbook 
(as the change files in `sr.ht-core`)

### Preparing Patches
Sourcehut's web-ui allows you to automatically prepare & send patches.
To allow sending the patches, you have to set the outgoing domain:

``` yaml
# Required for preparing and sending patchsets from git.sr.ht
gitsrht_outgoing_domain: "{{ srht_domain }}"

M roles/git.sr.ht/defaults/main.yml => roles/git.sr.ht/defaults/main.yml +8 -0
@@ 1,3 1,11 @@
gitsrht_oauth_client_id: ""
gitsrht_oauth_client_secret: ""

gitsrht_s3_bucket: "git.sr.ht"
gitsrht_s3_prefix: ""

# Required for preparing and sending patchsets from git.sr.ht
gitsrht_outgoing_domain: "{{ srht_domain }}"

M roles/git.sr.ht/tasks/config.yml => roles/git.sr.ht/tasks/config.yml +3 -3
@@ 37,11 37,11 @@
      # Configure the S3 bucket and prefix for object storage. Leave empty to disable
      # object storage. Bucket is required to enable object storage; prefix is
      # optional.
      s3-bucket={{ gitsrht_s3_bucket }}
      s3-prefix={{ gitsrht_s3_prefix }}
      # Required for preparing and sending patchsets from git.sr.ht
      outgoing-domain={{ gitsrht_outgoing_domain }}

      # Origin URL for the API