
4ac7bed4c88a86abb3b052c4ab889bf8fa5ac311 — Jakob Meier 10 months ago a866d99
Added ability to upload custom email keys
2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M group_vars/all/default.yml
M roles/sr.ht-core/templates/config.ini
M group_vars/all/default.yml => group_vars/all/default.yml +8 -0
@@ 60,6 60,14 @@ srht_pgp_key_id: ""
srht_email_pubkey: ""
# the private key itself (without begin/end blocks) here
srht_email_privkey: ""
# path to the private and public key pair
# leave as default when using srht_email_pubkey and srht_email_privkey,
# as the playbook will automatically generate these files for you,
# if you want to copy your files to the host instead,
# you have to changes these,
# as otherwise they'd be overwritten by the playbook
srht_pgp_privkey_path: "/etc/sr.ht/email.priv"
srht_pgp_pubkey_path: "/etc/sr.ht/email.pub"

# the following values have to be generated in advance
# to do so have a look at:

M roles/sr.ht-core/templates/config.ini => roles/sr.ht-core/templates/config.ini +2 -2
@@ 85,8 85,8 @@ error-from={{ srht_smtp_error_from }}
# that file. pgp-pubkey should be set to the path to your public key, and
# pgp-key-id should be set to the key ID string. Outgoing emails are signed with
# this PGP key.
pgp-privkey={{ srht_pgp_privkey_path }}
pgp-pubkey={{ srht_pgp_pubkey_path }}
pgp-key-id={{ srht_pgp_key_id }}
