
1574b32ceba4d051f77411f90c56856c48c9cbc6 — Jakob Meier 10 months ago a5af8f9
Added docstrings from official sourcehut config
1 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M group_vars/all/default.yml
M group_vars/all/default.yml => group_vars/all/default.yml +47 -0
@@ 3,26 3,57 @@
# NOTE: As of 29.10.2023 the edge version is outdated
alpine_host_version: "v3.17"

# The name of your network of sr.ht-based sites
srht_site_name: "sourcehut"
# The top-level info page for your site
srht_site_info: "https://sourcehut.org"
# description="$site-name, $site-blurb"
srht_site_blurb: "the hacker forge"
# Contact information for the site owners
srht_owner_name: "Drew DeVault"
srht_owner_email: "sir@cmpwn.com"

# domain on which sr.ht-based sites are exposed
# automatically prepends the service name in front
# i.e - example.com -> hub.example.com (hub)
#     - meta.example.com (meta)
#     - git.example.com (git)
srht_domain: "example.com"
# the protocol using which your exposed services can be reached
srht_protocol: "https"

# Outgoing SMTP settings
srht_smtp_host: ""
srht_smtp_port: ""
srht_smtp_from: ""
# Options: starttls, tls, insecure
srht_smtp_encryption: "starttls"
# Options: plain, none
srht_smtp_auth: "plain"
# user / password are required if smtp-auth is plain
srht_smtp_user: ""
srht_smtp_password: ""
# Application exceptions are emailed to this address
srht_smtp_error_to: ""
srht_smtp_error_from: ""

# If "no", public registration will not be permitted.
srht_enable_registration: "yes"
# Set of IP subnets which are permitted to utilize internal API
# authentication. This should be limited to the subnets from which your
# *.sr.ht services are running.
# Comma-separated, CIDR notation.
srht_ipnet: ",::1/128,,,"

# before running, you have to copy the pgp private and public key
# You should generate a PGP key to allow users to authenticate emails received
# from your services. Use `gpg --edit-key [key id]` to remove the password from
# your private key, then export it to a file and set pgp-privkey to the path to
# that file. pgp-pubkey should be set to the path to your public key, and
# pgp-key-id should be set to the key ID string. Outgoing emails are signed with
# this PGP key.
# put the key id here
srht_pgp_key_id: ""
# the public key itself (without begin/end blocks) here

@@ 33,6 64,22 @@ srht_email_privkey: ""
# the following values have to be generated in advance
# to do so have a look at:
# https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/core.sr.ht/tree/master/item/srht-keygen

# base64-encoded Ed25519 key for signing webhook payloads. This should be
# consistent between all services.
# Use the `srht-keygen webhook` command to generate this key. Put the private
# key here and distribute the public key to anyone who would want to verify
# webhook payloads from your service.
srht_private_key: ""

# A key used for encrypting session cookies. Use `srht-keygen service` to
# generate the service key. This must be shared between each node of the same
# service (e.g. git1.sr.ht and git2.sr.ht), but different services may use
# different keys. If you configure all of your services with the same
# config.ini, you may use the same service-key for all of them.
srht_service_key: ""

# A secret key to encrypt internal messages with. Use `srht-keygen network` to
# generate this key. It must be consistent between all services and nodes.
srht_network_key: ""